German Handelsblatt: Change of leadership: Audi boss Markus Duesmann has to go – his successor comes from VW007160

Markus Duesman

After three years, the boss of the VW premium brand Audi has to vacate his post.

(Photo: REUTERS)

There is a change at the top of the automaker Audi. Markus Duesmann will give up his position as CEO of Audi as well as his seat on the board of the parent company Volkswagen, the company announced on Thursday after a supervisory board meeting. The Handelsblatt had previously reported on it.
The successor will be Gernot Döllner, who has been VW’s chief strategist so far, on September 1st. “Gernot Döllner is now the right person to further sharpen the product strategy and the positioning in the important markets for Audi,” said Supervisory Board Chairman Manfred Döss after the decision of the control committee.
According to corporate circles, the decisive factor in the replacement of Duesmann was his broken relationship with his management team. The team has no trust in him – which is fatal in the current phase of change at Audi. The Handelsblatt had already reported at the beginning of the week that the 54-year-old was fighting for his job.

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