Alibaba confirms: You are working on an autonomous car

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The Chinese online department store Alibaba is working on its own autonomous car.

Alibaba has recently spent a lot of money to buy in the field of autonomous driving. Now we have confirmed the development of our own prototype.

chinesische Botschaft

Although one is behind, but you will not only the car – but the entire ecosystem to ask. It’s behind because many Chinese companies have already jumped on the bandwagon. Here are above all Baidu and the startup Pony.AI to call, but also Tencent already has a prototype on the road.

Alibaba has the City-Brain company, which uses a KI Data is processed and that maps edited. This increases traffic efficiency, according to the head of the company. In addition, you have the Cloud technologywith which one wants to create the ecosystem for the autonomous driving.

source (English)
