PETA declares victory with animal ban for crash test research; Ford updates policy

The animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) declared “major victory!” on Tuesday after learning Ford Motor Co. had just changed its policy to ban animal testing.

In a news release, PETA wrote, “In Ford’s 2023 Integrated Sustainability and Financial Report, the automaker has updated its policy at PETA’s request to close all loopholes: ‘Ford’s practice is not to use or fund animals for testing nor to ask others to do that for us.’ “

The nonprofit group discovered in 2021 that Ford paid for a crash test study involving animals years earlier and wanted the company to ban any future testing. PETA collected more than 100,000 signatures protesting the Ford project and distributed a letter from actor Lily Tomlin, a Detroit native.

The controversial 19-page crash study, completed in 2014 and published in 2018 by Wayne State University in Detroit, involved biomedical and auto safety engineers who used 27 pigs to better understand potential crash impact on small children. Data was then compared with previous, similar studies in the context of exploring orthopedic trauma and safety protocols. References in the report indicate the pigs had been euthanized before the testing began.

“The company clarified what we’ve been saying for two years and doing for much longer: We aren’t using animal cadavers, much less live animals, in research and don’t intend to,” Ford spokesman T.R. Reid told the Detroit Free Press on Tuesday.

Previously, General Motors and Stellantis, which makes Jeep and Ram Trucks and Chrysler products, already made commitments to PETA, the organization noted.

In May, a PETA scientist attended Ford’s annual virtual general meeting of shareholders and urged a vote in favor of a PETA resolution that called on the automaker to issue an annual report to shareholders detailing its animal testing processes. The proposal failed.