German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: After SAIC and Xpeng: VW plans further platform cooperation in China007401

Production of the VW sub-brand Jetta

The group is planning a new partnership in the entry-level segment in China.

(Photo: Getty Images)

The change in strategy by the Volkswagen Group for electric cars in China is apparently going further than previously known. As can be seen from an internal document available to the Handelsblatt, VW also wants to get help from a partner in the entry-level electric segment for less than 150,000 yuan, the equivalent of around 19,000 euros.
The step, which according to the document is planned for 2025/2026, is said to be assigned to the Chinese sub-brand Jetta. This is considered a cheap alternative to the more expensive VW models in the country and has so far only offered combustion vehicles.
In addition, the partner should contribute its own expertise for plug-in hybrids in the entry-level segment – called “A Entry”. Together with the previous cooperation, the partnership is intended to act as a “safety net” for VW’s current electric platform MEB and its successor MEB+. A Volkswagen China spokesman declined to comment when asked.
VW could conclude further partnerships in China

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