With strike talk prevalent as UAW negotiates, labor expert weighs in

Members of the Writers Guild of America and the Screen Actors Guild walk a picket line outside of Paramount Pictures, in Los Angeles, California, on July 21, 2023. Tens of thousands of Hollywood actors went on strike at midnight on July 14, 2023, effectively bringing the giant movie and television business to a halt as they join writers in the first industry-wide walkout in 63 years.

With UAW leadership taking a much more assertive approach publicly to negotiations with the Detroit Three than in the recent past, the prospect of a strike has been a hot topic even before talks got underway last month.

But there’s more to a strike than employees just walking off the job and hoisting signs.

Marick Masters, a Wayne State University business professor and labor expert, broke down some of the different types of strikes and their implications during a recent interview with the Free Press. Masters also offered his take on auto talks so far and what’s at stake.

There are a few basic types of strikes, Masters said.

“The most common is an economic strike, and that occurs when the parties reach an impasse over their negotiating positions. They can’t settle the differences. As you know, (United Auto Workers union President) Shawn Fain came out with a very ambitious list of negotiation demands … and should the parties not reach an agreement over that then you would have an economic strike,” Masters said.

One of the potential implications for workers during an economic strike is that strikers can be temporarily and permanently replaced by employers, he said, describing that, however, as “highly unlikely” in the case of the auto industry. Such a move by Ford Motor Co., General Motors or Stellantis, owner of Jeep, Ram, Chrysler, Dodge and Fiat, would be seen as a massively insulting step and quite impractical, he said.

Other types of strikes include an unfair labor practice strike, which could apply if a company refuses to bargain in good faith, or a wildcat strike, which isn’t authorized by the union and happens at a particular work site. Unfair labor practice strikers can be replaced only temporarily; a wildcat strike would probably not be considered a legal strike. In addition, specific industries, such as the public sector or railways, might have different rules or prohibitions when it comes to a strike.

Masters also referenced another type of strike that is not common in the United States but he said was more frequent in the past — a general strike, which would involve workers striking across numerous industries in protest of a political or wider economic situation or in solidarity with other workers.

UAW President Shawn Fain reveals "audacious" and "ambitious" member demands for the 2023 contract negotiations during a Facebook live meeting on Tuesday, August 1, 2023.

One of the milestones of the U.S. labor movement was the 1936 Flint Sit-Down Strike against General Motors, which led to the first contract between the automaker and the union. Masters said that would probably be considered an illegal strike today, but the union was seeking the right to be recognized.