German Handelsblatt: VW emissions scandal: Second confession in diesel investigations against Continental007498


Continental has given the clarification of the exhaust gas manipulation top priority.

(Photo: Imago)

There is another confession in the investigation into a possible involvement of Continental in the VW emissions scandal. At the request of the Reuters news agency, the Hanover public prosecutor’s office announced on Wednesday that the proceedings against another former employee of the automotive supplier had been temporarily suspended against payment of a monetary condition. The previously announced procedure against a technical employee was finally discontinued after the payment of a monetary condition. Both accused confessed.
The investigations against the 59 suspects would continue, the investigating authority said. The suspicion against other suspects have increased. The authorities announced in April that a technical project manager had fully admitted his involvement in the crime and knowledge of the defeat device in the 1.6-liter EA 189 diesel engine from Volkswagen and charged other suspects. The leniency program will be applied to him.

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