Sam Bankman-Fried Apparently Told Caroline Ellison That “In a Lot of Ways I Don’t Really Have a Soul”

“In a lot of ways I don’t really have a soul.”

Boyfriend Material

Dating FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was apparently hellacious, as revelations from a new biography released as his fraud trial begins seem to illustrate.

Penned by “The Big Short” author Michael Lewis, the newly-released SBF biography, “Going Infinite,” includes intimate details about the disgraced crypto prince’s life — including that he once sent a list of “pros” and “cons” to dating him to his on-off girlfriend and colleague Caroline Ellison, who headed up FTX’s sister firm Alameda Research.

“In a lot of ways I don’t really have a soul,” Bankman-Fried told Ellison in the note, sent in 2018. “There’s a pretty decent argument that my empathy is fake, my feelings are fake, my facial reactions are fake. I don’t feel happiness. What’s the point in dating someone who you physically can’t make happy?”

Back and Forth

The list of cons didn’t end there, either. SBF told his sometimes-girlfriend — in response to her own note about how the feelings she was developing while they casually slept together were consuming her thoughts — that he not only felt uncomfortable about the power dynamics between them, but that he’d rather spend 60 hours in the office each week than spend time with her.

The pros? That he “really liked f*cking” her — this Bankman-Fried wrote down twice.

Although Ellison had written that she didn’t like that her boss and apparent booty call was sending “confusing signals, e.g. telling me that he felt conflicted about having sex with me, then having sex with me, then ignoring me for a few months,” she pursued a relationship with him anyway.

While this is far from the first glimpse we’ve seen into the relationship between Bankman-Friend and Ellison given that he, you know, leaked her diary entries to the New York Times, it does provide more insight into how the accused fraudster thinks of himself as his fascinating and long-awaited trial finally begins in earnest.

More on SBF: Sam Bankman-Fried’s Dog Apparently Is Trained to Kill, But He Doesn’t Know the Command

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