Opel is supposed to halve the workforce in Eisenach

No layoffs or plant closures, the new Opel owner PSA had promised. But now, according to a report, the number of employees at the Eisenach site could shrink considerably.

Neuwagen vor dem Opel-Werk Eisenach

New cars in front of the Opel plant Eisenach

Wednesday, 18.04.2018
15:21 clock

Opel allegedly plans a drastic reduction in staff at its Eisenach assembly plant. The workforce could shrink from about 1800 to just under 1000 people, if the previously existing production planning is implemented, said on Wednesday in circles of IG Metall.

Under the leadership of the new owner PSA Opel wants to install in the Thuringian plant only an off-road vehicle instead of the previously two models Adam and Corsa. According to reports, it should be converted from three to two shifts. The IG Metall insists, however, that PSA is bound to previous production commitments of the old owner General Motors. PSA has so far insured to advance the rehabilitation without layoffs and plant closures.

Opel was on Wednesday at first not reach for a statement.