Social Economic Committee: PSA does better than the Labor Law

The pear was cut in half. The management and five unions of PSA have found common ground on the subject complex of the “social economic committee”, the body created by the new law Labor to merge works councils, health committees, security and working conditions and staff delegations.

On the basis of the text of the decree published at the end of December , the car manufacturer theoretically could have reduced by 45% the number of trade union mandates (currently around 1,700), and reduce the number of hours of delegation by 30%. According to our information, only about 20% of the mandates will eventually be “lost”, and the hours of delegation will be trimmed by only about 10%. The number of warrants would fall to 1,400, and the number of hours to 15,000. The management of the group will formalize the device on Thursday.

In addition, “local representatives” will be set up on the sites, as well as a number of health, safety and working conditions commissions (from one to ten depending on the size of the sites), without forgetting the central statutory commissions – on professional equality, finance, training or housing.

By counting these proximity representatives and other commission members, the decrease in mandates would ultimately be limited to 15% and that of hours to 7%, according to the calculations of the CFDT.

Best bidder

“The dialogue with the management has resulted in an acceptable compromise ensuring the continuity of our missions of staff representatives,” Judge Anh Quan Nguyen, the delegate CFE-CGC, signatory of the agreement as FO, the SIA, the CFDT and the CFTC. “In the end, on mandates, we are 40% above the Labor Law,” said Christine Virassamy, the CFDT delegate, who consulted with his troops on Tuesday before ratifying the text.

For its part, the CGT is not a signatory. “We can not agree with an employer who wants to reduce by one third the number of employee representatives at the local level,” says Jean-Pierre Mercier, the CGT delegate.

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