Automotive. The Stellantis factory shut down for another week. This is the second time in a month.

The Stellantis site in Janais had already suspended production between October 30 and November 5, due to lack of industrial parts. It is again for supply concerns that management announced this Friday a new week of shutdown.

“We started the month of November with a week of unemployment, we end it with another!” Laurent Valy, like the other union representatives, did not hide their annoyance this Friday at the supply concerns.

“Since Covid-19 and the consequences of this crisis, particularly in terms of parts supply, the Stellantis factory in Rennes La Janais continues to encounter difficulties which have increased the need for agility in terms of production and therefore flexibility of employees” continues the CFDT representative.

During the extraordinary CSE on Friday, November 10, the management of Stellantis-La Janais announced a new week of shutdown of the factory due to a disruption in the supply of gearboxes from Asia.

The factory located near Rennes will therefore once again have to interrupt its production of 5008 and C5 Aircross. “Supply hazards are recurring and lead to repeated weeks of unemployment” denounces the CFDT.

The Janais site had already suspended production between October 30 and November 5, due to lack of industrial parts. “After having already been impacted during All Saints’ Week, it is now the last week of November which will be cut!” the unions are annoyed.

Read also:Automotive. Lacking parts, Stellantis Rennes soon to be shut down for a week

If the financial impact for employees remains “relatively controlled, in particular due to an agreement on long-term partial activity,” specifies the CFDT which signed it.

As during the period from October 30 to November 5, the 2,100 employees will again experience a week of partial unemployment, “the fact remains that concern remains about the site’s activity in 2024 despite positive signals such as as the marketing agreement for the C5 Aircross MHEV (mild-hybrid).”

“When we are present, we have to produce at sustained rates and also overtime in certain departments. All of this creates a lot of incomprehension and fed up among employees who aspire to stability” concludes Laurent Valy.

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