Twitter CEO Keeps Getting Texts From Colleagues Telling Her to Resign

How much more of this kind of madness can she take?

Find a Replacement

After X-formerly-Twitter owner Elon Musk cosigned some awfully antisemitic comments, the website’s punching bag CEO has been inundated with messages from confederates.

As Axios and Forbes have both reported, X CEO Linda Yaccarino’s colleagues from the advertising industry have been privately advising her to jump ship to save herself following Musk’s latest — and perhaps worst — bigoted outburst that saw him agreeing with Nazi talking points in line with the “great replacement” conspiracy theory that posits that Jews want to “replace” white people by killing them.

In an interview with Axios, marketing consultant Lou Paskalis, a friend of Yaccarino’s, said that he’d sent her a text telling her she should leave the social network “before her reputation is damaged” by Musk’s latest debacle.

“I think the advertising community is now working to save the reputation of a beloved member of our industry who does not share Elon Musk’s views and certainly did not know them when she accepted the role of CEO,” Paskalis continued. “If she did, she would not have accepted it.”

Before joining the sinking ship formerly known as Twitter, Yaccarino worked as an advertising executive at NBCUniversal for 11 years, eventually becoming the company’s head of global ad sales and clearly making more than a few friends along the way.

Please Leave

Several of those friends, Paskalis told Axios, had also urged the X CEO to resign as companies like IBM, Microsoft, Apple and others began pausing their advertisements on the platform en masse in response to alarming reporting from the think tank Media Matters for America — where, in full disclosure, this writer used to work — about their company’s sponsored content running astride Nazi content.

In response, Musk threatened to issue a “thermonuclear lawsuit” against MMFA for its reporting, which we’re sure is not doing anything to assuage the anxiety of the CEO’s friends.

According to Forbes‘ reporting on the groundswell of concern directed towards Yaccarino, the CEO has thus far resisted her well-wishers, which does seem in accordance with a post she made on the social network suggesting that she’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

“I believe deeply in our vision, our team, and our community,” the CEO tweeted. “I’m also deeply committed to the truth and there is no other team on earth working as hard as the teams at X.”

Whether she’ll continue the weather the storm as the debacle deepens, however, remains to be seen.

More on Musk: Rabbis Warn That Elon Musk Is Spreading the Type of Antisemitism “That Leads to Massacres”

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