Elon Musk Says There’s a “Large Graveyard Filled With My Enemies”

Is he…

Cringe Alert

It’s another week, and that means it’s time for another weird online outburst from cars-and-rockets-and-social-media guy Elon Musk, who continues to make headlines on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, for all the wrong reasons.

Just a few days ago, Musk caused a crisis when he endorsed an incendiary and antisemitic post on the site. Lest you thought he’d calm down after that garbage fire, he then posted this week that there’s a “large graveyard filled with my enemies. I do not wish to add to it, but will if given no choice.”

“Those who pick fights with me do so at their own peril, but maybe this is their lucky day…” he added ominously.

If you haven’t cut yourself on all that edge yet, the middle-aged Musk was replying to a picture of himself brandishing a samurai sword in front of an American flag with a Musk quote as a caption: “I try not to pick fights, but I do finish them.”

X users chimed in with questions about whether his cage fight with Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is still on, as well as with cheers and of course jeers.

True crime podcaster and writer Thomas Kennedy had a particularly cringe zinger: “The only graveyard is the value of Twitter since you took over the company.”


Hater Aid

And in any case, what graveyard of enemies?! It seems most of Musk’s big-name adversaries, such as Peter Thiel, are doing pretty well. In his much-vaunted feud with Zuckerberg, that rivalry seems lopsided because Zuck is in clearly better shape than Musk, despite a knee injury that required surgery, and X seems to be hemorrhaging money, with news that Apple and IBM are pulling their advertising coming on the heels of Musk’s antisemitic outburst.

If anything, his legion of enemies seems to have grown over the years — among them the Tesla customers who are pissed at him over his awful posts on X, and X users themselves, many of whom have decamped elsewhere.

As if to preempt all the predictable derision, Musk replied to his own post: “Oh yeah, I forgot to add that I am my own worst enemy by far. No need for others to dig my grave when I’m doing it so well myself lmao.”

More on Elon Musk: Apple Drops Ads on Twitter After Elon Musk’s Antisemitic Outburst

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