Log9 and TORK Motors join to promote interoperable charging ecosystem

<p>Log9, India’s leading battery pack manufacturer, has introduced Type 6-Bharat LEV fast charging across its new battery platforms in the 2W/3W space.</p>
Log9, India’s leading battery pack manufacturer, has introduced Type 6-Bharat LEV fast charging across its new battery platforms in the 2W/3W space.

New Delhi: Log9 and TORK Motors, India’s first electric motorcycle and 3W electric powertrain manufacturer, have partnered to promote interoperable charging infrastructure in the country under the Bharat Charge Alliance (BCA) initiative. Both Log9 and TORK Motors are members of BCA.

Log9, India’s leading battery pack manufacturer, has introduced Type 6-Bharat LEV fast charging across its new battery platforms in the 2W/3W space. Type 6 is going to be the low voltage fast charge standard in the next generation, with multiple OEMs adopting the same.

Under this partnership, TORK Motors and Log9 will allow customers of both brands to utilise their chargers and charging network, which is based on BCA’s LEV DC interoperable standard (IS 17017-25 & IS 17017-2-6 released by BIS in 2021). The partnership also implies that any update on the technology front, which includes but not limited to connector, protocol and payment gateway will be mutually agreed and implemented by both companies to ensure sustained interoperability.

Both the companies will work together to promote BCA’s LEV DC interoperable charging infrastructure and enable their respective customers to charge on each other’s public charging network. Additionally, other OEM customers implementing IS 17017-2-6 & IS 17017-25 standard will also be able to utilize their combined network for charging the vehicles.

Kartik Hajela, COO-Log9, said, “Govt. push around standardised low voltage, fast charging platform was always missing as CCS was high voltage. So, a low voltage fast charging platform needed to be standardised and Log9 being at the forefront of fast charging in last mile commercial EV platforms has been a big advocate for such fast charge protocols interoperable between OEMs in this category as it holds enormous scale potential. Bharat LEV or type 6 technology introduced by the govt. will help in standardising fast charging across platforms and Log9 has developed grounds up charging control systems to adopt this technology across its platforms.”
Kapil Shelke, founder and CEO, TORK Motors, said, “This partnership is yet another step towards promotion of interoperability among OEMs and ancillary companies in the Indian EV market. We have always advocated the importance of interoperability through the Bharat Charge Alliance initiative and are working towards establishing a comprehensive charging infrastructure that transcends manufacturers and benefits EV users across the country.”

  • Published On Dec 5, 2023 at 03:17 PM IST

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