Men spend on average 4,000 euros more than women in the purchase of vehicles ‘online’

Men spend an average of 23,430 euros on the purchase of vehicles’ online ‘, which is about 4,000 euros more than women, who pay an average of 19,360 euros, according to an analysis made by the car sales company’ on-line’

However, when talking about the financing of vehicles, the percentage of women (56%) who opt for this payment method is higher than that of men (31%).

According to Clicars, 71% of cars sold in Spain are bought by necessity. As the company explains, it is a utilitarian acquisition, that is, “indispensable for the day-to-day development of the family or the transfer to work”.

For its part, 31% of Spanish respondents said that the change of car was motivated by family needs, either by the birth of new family members or by changes in day-to-day routines.

In addition, 29% said that the acquisition of the new car was due to the fact that their previous vehicle was “very old and required a renewal”, while 11% of Spaniards said they changed their car for work reasons.

Regarding the average profile of the buyer of cars ‘online’, according to internal data of, 74% is a man of about 43 years, while 26% is a woman with an average age of 41 years.

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