Hyundai Mobis Demonstrates Its Self-Driving Car ‘M.BILLY’

Hyundai Mobis has started testing its self-driving car called M.BILLY, which was developed through its own technologies, on full-scale. It is going to increase number of M.BILLY from 3 to 10 by end of this year and it is planning to focus its research capabilities into development of self-driving technologies based on safety by increasing number of researchers in a field of self-driving technology by 15% annually.Hyundai Mobis (CEO Lim Young-deuk) made an announcement that it is going to carry out evaluations on M.BILLY in Michigan starting from the middle of this month to develop level 3 and level 4 self-driving systems.M.BILLY is the name of Hyundai Mobis’ self-driving car.M.BILLY is related to the word ‘mobility’ from one of its vision called ‘New Mobility Experience’ and it has a symbolic meaning that Hyundai Mobis is going to take off as a global automotive part manufacturer that focuses on future automotive technologies.Its evaluation will first carry out preliminary inspection of M.BILLY’s functions and M.BILLY’s safety at ‘proving ground’ that is almost similar to a regular road and then move on to actual inspection of M.BILLY on actual roads. Hyundai Mobis obtained a license (M-plate) for driving self-driving cars from Michigan Government in 2016.M.BILLY will go through tests in the U.S., South Korea, and Germany at the same time.To carry out these tests, Hyundai Mobis is planning to obtain licenses from South Korea and Germany in May and June respectively. Depending on when it receives these licenses, it is going to verify functions and safety of M.BILLY and test it on regular roads just like how it is going to perform its evaluation in the U.S.“We are currently operating 3 M.BILLYs in 3 different locations and we are going to carry out extensive test operations in the future by increasing the number of M.BILLY to 10 by end of this year.” said Department Head Hwang Jae-ho of Hyundai Mobis DAS Design Department. “Our goal is to mass-produce level 3 self-driving system with independent sensors in 2022.”

A researcher is keeping a close eye on the front while having his hands and feet free from operating M.BILLY that is on self-driving mode.

M.BILLY that will go through evaluations is going to be equipped with Hyundai Mobis’ sensors. It is going to have 8 different sensors such as front camera (1), radar (5), LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging, 1), ultrasonic sensor (12), and SVM (Surround View Monitoring, 4).Current M.BILLY only has front radars and it will be sequentially equipped with rest of sensors after this third quarter depending on development schedules.Reason why Hyundai Mobis is focusing on developing its own sensors is because sensors are important technologies that act as ‘eyes’ for self-driving cars.Sensing capability that can quickly and accurately recognize different objects that are in front of self-driving cars is an essential technology for safe self-driving cars.Verified quality that is responsible for safety of pedestrians and other cars is important for self-driving cars with Hyundai Mobis’ self-driving systems to be recognized of their commercial values from global markets. As a result, it is important to establish database within various conditions and environments. One can develop important technologies that are needed for safe self-driving by modifying and improving current systems and increasing accuracy of sensors based on many data.To develop future automotive technologies, Hyundai Mobis is planning to increase amount of its investment towards R&D up to 10% of its sales from automotive parts until 2021. It is planning to focus about 50% of its investment towards ICT (Information Communication Technology) field including sensors for self-driving technology. Also, it is planning to increase number of researchers for self-driving technologies, which currently stands at about 600, by more than 15% annually until 2021.Staff Reporter Ryu, Jongeun |

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