5G & KI Essential for Autonomous Driving | BMW

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The technologies around 5G and the artificial intelligence (AI) are fundamental for the autonomous driving, so BMW.

For the Autonomous driving it needs the developments of 5G and the KI, These will be at the center of the development of autonomous driving.

BMW Forschungszentrum Autonomes Fahren

At a demonstration in Munich explained BMW Spokesman, that one already with Nokia working on the provision of 5G. To 2020 the technology should not only be ready for series production, but also be found in the car.

5G LTE is the successor of 4G and should be more robust, and have more bandwidth. The latency will be reduced to one millisecond, enabling quasi-real-time transmission of data. The corresponding cloud infrastructure must also be established.

It’s not just about the control Of vehicles and the transmission of warnings about dangers, also the entertainment offer in the autonomous car is a relevant point. Because that can be done a lot in spe earn money,

BMW wants to focus on 5G network slicing, ie the dismembering of data for better transmission. These are also used to update HD Maps used, with BMW on HERE concentrated. Regarding the vehicle communication you will get on C-V2X put. This technique will 2019 ready.

The manufacturer also stated that it will connect data of travelers, infrastructure and transport services. These data should be anonymized and prepared for warnings. The control, respectively traffic estimation, will make an AI. They are trained to the extent that they can be installed in vehicles, assess and handle any traffic situation.

In terms of production acceleration, AR technology is being used and, more importantly, 3D printing is being used.

source (English)
