Savings plan at Opel: Every fifth Opelaner should go

Controversy over Opel: “Eisenach and Kaiserslautern are highly endangered”

Streit um Opel: „Eisenach und Kaiserslautern sind hoch gefährdet“

at Opel in Germany should according to current Plans of the French parent company PSA According to information from the works council, by the end of the decade 3700 of the approximately 19,000 jobs will disappear. “They have us a mining plan submitted by 2020 that they want to reduce 3700 jobs, “said Works Council Wolfgang Schäfer-Klug on Friday in Frankfurt.

The development center in Rüsselsheim alone should lose 1200 jobs. So far, however, already 2,000 employees have accepted voluntary retirement programs, such as early retirement. In the opinion of the works council, 2,000 departures would be added by 2020. Thus, the reduction of personnel costs demanded by PSA would already be fulfilled and no reason for wage cuts of the remaining employees.

Meanwhile get Opel more trouble keeping enough people. “We have enormous pressure that people want to go,” Schäfer-Klug said. The works council and the union IG Metall are currently arguing with Opel and PSA management about investment plans and cost reductions.

Threatening staff cuts: “Mr. Tavares wants to bleed Opel”

What was previously on proposals for products on the table by 2020, mathematically only 1800 of the approximately 19,000 jobs would secure, said Schäfer-Klug. So far there is no offer, but only a “dictation” from the parent company. “We expect PSA / Opel a negotiable offer, then we are ready to talk.” The former IG Metall boss Berthold Huber, who advises the employees in the negotiations, called the action of PSA “extortion”.

Current club events

Wednesday, 25.04.18, 18:15 Hamburg: Investment Live

Wednesday, 25.04.18, 19:00 Dusseldorf: Rhine / Ruhr 2032: What would Germany have from Olympia?

Wednesday, 25.04.18, 09:00 Frankfurt am Main: 14th Handelsblatt Annual Meeting Restructuring 2018

Tuesday, 24.04.18, 08:30 Düsseldorf: 19th Handelsblatt Annual Meeting Chemistry 2018

Saturday, 21.04.18, 15:45 Berlin: Guided tour of the Hoffmann Collection

Friday, 20.04.18, 18:30 Hamburg: Club talk with Kent Nagano and Georges Delnon

To the business club

In Berlin, one is alarmed. Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil and Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier are in discussion with the group leadership, said a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Labor on Friday in Berlin. Salvation is important that “everything humanly possible” is done, so that employment and locations in Germany would be secured. Commitments must be respected and the principle of social partnership maintained.

Government spokesman Steffen Seibert said Chancellor Angela Merkel is important that the federal government is in discussion with all stakeholders. That is the case. She sees the federal government together with the state governments in the duty to do everything that is politically possible, “so that jobs and locations in Germany are secured.” The Chancellor is in close contact with the employment and economic departments.

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