Breaking Barriers: Reducing Electrolysis Costs to Fast-Track Green Hydrogen Integration

<p>After renewable energy, the second highest-cost component of GH2 is the electrolyzer. </p>
After renewable energy, the second highest-cost component of GH2 is the electrolyzer.

As the world transitions towards decarbonizing its economy, green hydrogen (GH2) is expected to play a pivotal role – a magic energy storage solution, low-carbon industrial energy and feedstock, a low-carbon fuel for long-distance vehicles such as trucks, shipping, and airlines, and green fertilizer. International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) forecasts that GH2 will account for up to 12% of the final energy consumption by 2050. However, there is a challenge to adopting GH2. It is more expensive than grey hydrogen generated by using (coal and natural gas. Green hydrogen costs USD 4 to USD 7 per kg versus USD 2 to USD 6 per kg for grey hydrogen. This cost depends on the cost of energy – a decline in the price of renewable energy, the energy source of GH2, will further reduce the cost of green hydrogen.
After renewable energy, the second highest-cost component of GH2 is the electrolyzer. The mass adoption of GH2 hinges on the rapid decline of the cost of renewable energy and electrolyzers. While the cost of renewable energy has declined significantly, the cost of electrolyzers is still very high. Hence, it is important to reduce the cost of electrolyzers as quickly as possible to accelerate the adoption of GH2 in the energy system.

Understanding electrolyzer technologies

Consider the current technological progress of the electrolyzer. None of the presently available solutions is suitable for commercial-scale GH2 manufacturing at competitive costs compared to the H2 produced using hydrocarbons (coal and natural gas). There are four electrolyzer technologies that can potentially turn around the tables shortly. These are alkaline systems (AS), proton exchange membrane (PEM), solid oxide electrolyzer cell (SOEC), and anion exchange membrane (AEM). AS offers the largest system size at the lowest cost per unit. However, its limitations include a “high minimum load,” which makes it intolerant to the variable nature of power sourced from renewables. Here, PEM electrolyzers have significantly better credentials – this technology quickly ramps up and down, so they can absorb intermittent energy sources such as solar and wind. In addition, they are easy to maintain, reliable, simpler to use, and more efficient in converting electric power into GH2.

However, PEM electrolyzers are far more expensive due to the use of platinum group catalytic chemicals –a costly material produced in a few places. With the present technological advancements, companies have not found a low-cost alternative material, although the volume of platinum required per unit of electrolyzer is dropping rapidly. AEM systems can help in solving this cost challenge. However, they are presently in the nascent stages of commercial application. SOEC systems are also riddled with similar challenges pertaining to costs and lack of large-scale market viability.

Opportunities for cost rationalization

The pathway for cost reduction of electrolyzers is to find alternative materials for manufacturing PEM and SOEC electrolyzers. Further investment in research and development (R&D) is required to find alternative materials to platinum. In addition, electrolyzer efficiency can be improved further by increasing the capacity of electrolyzer systems to boost the throughput. Besides, further investment in R&D is required to increase the usable life of the stacks, a key cost component of electrolyzers, especially for AEM electrolyzers.

Drawing inference from the solar and wind clean energy generation sector, the accumulating large-scale production and deployment experience with electrolyzers is expected to reduce system costs. According to Bloomberg, the learning rate for AEM and PEM electrolyzers is 18% and 20%, respectively. This means that doubling the production quantity of these systems will reduce costs by nearly 20%. However, private investors are not committing themselves to so much investment as the profitability of electrolyzer production is still in the negative territory. Here, policy plays a critical role in accelerating adoption instead of waiting for the private financers that will come gradually.

Policy support – the need to front-load public investment

The European Union (EU), the USA, and Australia have set up dedicated financing mechanisms to promote the constituent manufacturing value chain of GH2 and its derivatives. Governments have also directly supported electrolyzer manufacturing by floating open competitive tenders, with the EU’s 40 GW electrolyzer manufacturing tender being a showcase example. GH2 purchase obligations imposed on hard-to-abate sectors like cement, steel, oil, gas, and so on, are also being directed to support the advancement of electrolyzer technologies. According to an International Energy Agency (IEA) report, only 3 GW of electrolyzer capacity is estimated to be installed globally by the end of 2023. If the world realizes the global net zero emissions target by 2050, an installed electrolyzer capacity of more than 550 GW by 2030 is desirable. This indicates that the current government’s support is not enough and needs to ramp up quickly.

Policymakers can support in two ways to reduce the cost of electrolyzers: massive incentives for R&D and acceleration of production volume. Incentives can be in the form of tax exemptions, grants, subsidies, concessional capital, and even equity investment. Governments can offer long-term concession debt financing, grants, or viability gap funding for electrolyzer production to make it commercially viable. The government can also become an entrepreneurial financer and provide equity capital for electrolyzer production and exit from the investment when the business is profitable and can attract private capital at a reasonable rate. Similarly, governments can incentivize massive R&D to find alternative and low-cost materials for electrolyzer manufacturing. Governments can also become venture equity capital providers to support small-size companies conducting R&D to reduce the cost of electrolyzer manufacturing.

Partnerships can scale up production quickly

Apart from innovations in the realm of technology, electrolyzer ecosystems can significantly reduce their “landed cost” by creating efficient supply chains of sub-components and their constituent chemicals, new GH2 demand centres, and tailor-made business models for critical applications. Partnerships among electrolyzer manufacturers can accelerate further development of this equipment. Here, countries can create ”green partnerships” for collectively leapfrogging to a future powered by affordable, clean, and resilient energy systems. History suggests that when competitors join hands to accelerate the development of an industry, it’s a win-win situation for everyone in the industry.

  • Published On Jan 19, 2024 at 01:41 PM IST

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