After Classified Briefing, Congressman Says UFOs May Be “Extradimensional” Angels

Congressman Eric Burlison (R-MO) has waded into the debate over UFOs and speculated that they might be "angels" sent by God himself.

Congressman Eric Burlison (R-MO) has waded into the discourse about UFOs — and in an outburst that probably says more about the state of US politics than unidentified objects in the sky, speculated that they might be “angels” sent by God himself.

Yes, you read that right. During a recent episode of That UFO Podcast this week, Burlison took the UFO conversation in a wild new direction.

“They may not fit exactly the Biblical narrative, but whenever I use the term ‘angels,'” he said, “to me, it’s synonymous with an extradimensional being.”

“I think it’s more likely that it would be something extradimensional than it would be within this dimension,” Burlison argued. “And then, so what I’ll say is that when you start talking about things in that nature, that they’re extradimensional, well, in a lot of different scriptures, including the Bible, and others, that’s really the way that you describe messengers of God or, you know, angels.”

Strikingly, Burlison’s musings come after he attended a classified briefing about UFOs this month, though he said after it that nothing he’d learned there had fundamentally shifted his worldview.

“There’s nothing that’s been said that’s changed my worldview,” he told the Kansas City Star. “I believe the veracity of the claims of the people who testified in the public hearing. Now, that being said, I believe that what they believe they said is true.”

Burlison isn’t alone in musing about a connection between UFOs and religious texts.

“UFOs were in the Bible,” representative Tim Burchett (R-TN) claimed in 2021. “Read Ezekiel, it talks about the wheel flying around. So I mean, they’ve been around since we’ve been around and somebody needs to come up with some answers.”

Burlison has long called for oversight over reports alleging that the US government has conspired to keep spicy UFO findings from leaking to the public.

The subject has been fraught with drama. Last summer, an Air Force veteran and former member of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency named David Grusch came forward to allege that the government had secretly recovered alien spacecraft — and even dead “pilots” inside them — for decades as part of a top-secret UFO retrieval program.

Needless to say, his allegations sounded incredibly far-fetched. Why would aliens fly these incredibly advanced vessels to Earth, only to crash them? And why would they pack themselves into the vessels in the first place, considering they would presumably have advanced enough technologies to pilot the ships autonomously, like NASA with a Mars rover?

Despite those glaring questions, Grusch’s testimony clearly rattled Burlison and his fellow members of a House Oversight Subcommittee created to investigate matters related to reports of what the government now calls “unidentified aerial phenomena.”

In November, Burlison advocated to “renew the security clearance” of Grusch in an apparent effort to get behind this alleged coverup.

Apart from invoking the Bible, Burlison has also previously voiced skepticism over claims that UFO sightings amounted to proof that we were visited by extraterrestrial beings.

“What they observed is what they observed, and the film, the footage that they have is what it is,” he told lawmakers during an August congressional hearing following several briefings of retired military members including Grusch giving testimony. “I just don’t jump to the same conclusions that they do, which is that these things that we’re seeing in the sky are coming from Little Green Men, you know, light years and light years away.”

His latest explanation, however, is somehow even more eyebrow-raising — though he left room for a more pedestrian reality as well.

“In my opinion I think it’s either angels or it’s manmade,” he added. “I think the most likely explanation is that it’s manmade.”

Even among UFO truther circles, his comments were met with ridicule.

“Fucking dark ages medieval shit unbelievable,” wrote one disgruntled Redditor.

Apart from speculating about biblical and multidimensional beings, Burlison reiterated during his most recent podcast appearance that Grusch’s testimony suggests the government is withholding information about UFOs.

“I think it’s proven prima facie the fact that we are having a difficult time getting this information, and we’re seeking it proves that claim,” he told That UFO Podcast, adding that there’s a “culture of fear and intimidation around this.”

While he may have a point about the persistent taboo surrounding the topic, the rest sounds pretty far fetched.

Perhaps it’s the Republican lawmaker’s relationship with the government itself that could explain his unusual stance.

“I would say that I’ve always been fascinated by the topic [of UAPs],” he told That UFO Podcast. “And I’ve always had a mistrust of government. So when you combine the two of those, that’s kind of where my position is rooted from.”

More on UFOS: Internet Puzzled by “Jellyfish” UFO Video

The post After Classified Briefing, Congressman Says UFOs May Be “Extradimensional” Angels appeared first on Futurism.

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