Biting criticism of established car manufacturers: Ex-Opel boss Neumann goes to car startup Evolozcity

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Biting criticism of established car manufacturers Ex-Opel boss Neumann goes to car startup Evolozcity

Beherrscht die große Bühne: Karl-Thomas Neumann auf der IAA 2013 mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel.


Dominates the big stage: Karl-Thomas Neumann at the IAA 2013 with Chancellor Angela Merkel.

There were many rumors about Karl-Thomas Neumann in recent months. Time should be the former boss of the automaker Opel take over the chairmanship of the board of Audi AG, sometimes it was about the brand VW; Sometimes he said he wanted to move to Silicon Valley.

And indeed: Neumann goes to that of the former BMWand Deutsche Bank BoardStefan Krause founded electric mobility startup Evelozcity to California. Among other things, he assumes responsibility for mobility services and digitization of the models as well as the European market on the Management Board. the company said,

The 57-year-old meets two other former BMW top athletes there. Krause founded the company together with Ulrich Kranz. Wreath had BMW led the Project i and was responsible for the electric models i3 and i8. Krause and Kranz want to be at Evelozcity in the coming years Bring electric cars especially for major cities on the market, including an electric van and a small city van.

Neumann was previously also CEO of the automotive supplier Continental, He had quit at Opel last year after four years as chief executive officer. Previously, the French PSA Group had taken over the Rüsselsheim company from its previous parent company GM. Neumann wanted to make Opel a pure electric brand. The takeover by PSA had prevented this change of strategy.

Evelozcity quotes his new board as saying he had looked at many opportunities; but he does not believe “that the traditional automakers are driving change”. Evelozcity stands for the same beliefs as he; that’s why he chose the company. “

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