Europa Wire: Daimler Truck Leads Safety Innovation for European Roadways with Enhanced Vehicle Systems001009

Daimler Truck Leads Safety Innovation for European Roadways with Enhanced Vehicle Systems

(IN BRIEF) Daimler Truck is at the forefront of safety innovation as stricter EU regulations for new trucks, buses, and coaches are set to take effect in July 2024. With its latest safety systems, Daimler Truck not only meets but surpasses legal requirements, prioritizing the safety of all road users. These advanced systems, including Active Brake Assist 6 and Active Sideguard Assist 2, leverage cutting-edge technology to enhance visibility and mitigate accidents. With a focus on preventing collisions with pedestrians, cyclists, and other vehicles, Daimler Truck sets new standards for road safety, reinforcing its commitment to “Vision Zero” and accident-free driving.
(PRESS RELEASE) LEINFELDEN-ECHTERDINGEN, 29-Feb-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — The countdown is on: As of July 2024, all trucks, buses and touring coaches newly registered in the EU will have to comply with the regulations of the updated General Safety Regulation (GSR). The regulations have already been in place for new vehicle models since July 2022. The GSR mandates a whole series of driver assistance systems to further increase road safety for all parties involved. In particular, the electronic assistance systems can contribute as far as possible to keeping moments of inattentiveness due to fatigue, stress or distraction from having serious consequences. This benefits not only truck or bus and touring coach drivers and passengers, but also all other road users traveling by car, bicycle or on foot.
With assistance systems such as Active Brake Assist 6, Active Sideguard Assist 2, Front Guard Assist, Active Drive Assist 3 or Traffic Sign Assist, Daimler Truck more than meets these requirements. The systems form the new standard in all vehicle variants and represent further added value for the eActros 600 and all other battery-electric models from Mercedes-Benz Trucks, the Actros model series and here also the new generation of the Actros L, the Arocs, Atego and Econic model series, Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks as well as the city, intercity and touring coaches of the Mercedes-Benz and Setra brands.
Rainer Müller-Finkeldei, Head of Mercedes-Benz Trucks Product Development: “The EU General Safety Regulation is an important step towards accident-free driving – our “Vision Zero”. We have been consistently pursuing this path for decades and are now setting new standards with our enhanced safety assistance systems. And this with a view to the best possible accident prevention to protect drivers and all road users.”
The focus is on all road users
In recent years, according to figures from the EU’s CARE database, passenger car occupants, cyclists and pedestrians together accounted for an average of around 70 percent of all traffic fatalities in accidents involving heavy goods vehicles weighing 3.5 tons or more – with passenger car occupants in particular accounting for almost 50 percent. 12 percent of traffic fatalities in such accidents were passengers of the respective goods vehicles. Overall, the number of road users killed in these accidents has decreased significantly in recent years. While there were still 4.586 traffic fatalities in this area in 2011, this figure had fallen by around 40 percent to 2.722 by 2021, according to the latest figures from the EU Commission. This corresponds to around 14 percent of all traffic fatalities in the EU – a percentage that has more or less remained at this level for some time. The most common types of accidents across the EU include rear-end collisions, especially at the end of a traffic jam, inadvertent lane departure, side impacts at intersections, collisions when turning due to the blind spot and accidents due to overtaking errors.
Further tightening of legal requirements in the coming years
Driver assistance systems that have the potential to identify critical situations at an early stage and avoid accidents or at least mitigate their consequences are therefore becoming all the more important. According to GSR, as of July 2024 systems such as Sideguard Assist, a moving-off warning system, Intelligent Speed Assist, Tire Pressure Loss Warning System, Reversing Assist with camera or sensors and a warning system in the event of driver fatigue and diminished attention will be required by law, along with a device for the installation of an alcohol-test-based immobilizer. For registrations of new trucks, buses and touring coaches, a highly developed warning system will be mandatory from 2026 if the driver’s concentration decreases. An event data memory will follow in 2029. In addition, an even larger direct field of vision from the driver’s workplace will then have to be ensured.
Daimler Truck has been a pioneer in the industry for years
With the safety features that will be used in Daimler Truck trucks, buses and touring coaches this year, the company is once again reinforcing its position as one of the pioneers in the industry: The systems not only comply with the GSR standards applicable as of 2024, but also exceed their scope in parts.
Daimler Truck has demonstrated its pioneering role in the development of safety features in recent years with a whole range of systems. For example, a truck equipped with Active Brake Assist 1 (ABA), which was launched on the market in 2006, was able to initiate maximum full-stop braking for the first time within the system limits. The functions of the emergency braking assistant have been systematically expanded for the upcoming sixth generation. One milestone was ABA 5, available since 2020, that reacts to moving persons not just with partial but rather with maximum full-stop braking. In 2016, the company was the first truck manufacturer to offer a turning assistant ex works. As of 2018, Active Drive Assist (ADA) has enabled partially automated driving (SAE level 2) for the first time in a series-production truck. Finally, in June 2021, Daimler Truck was the first manufacturer to introduce Active Sideguard Assist (ASGA) with brake application on the market.
A central role in the development of the systems is played by the company’s commercial vehicle accident research, which, with its accident analyses since 1972, has laid the foundations for the continuous incorporation of further optimizations into the vehicles. This has also benefited Ingo Scherhaufer, who has been responsible for the development of new assistance systems for around 20 years. It was only a few months ago that he was awarded the “2023 European Safety Award for Commercial Vehicles” for his accomplishments in terms of the safety of commercial vehicles. The prize has been awarded annually since 1990 by the European Association for Accident Research and Analysis together with expert organization DEKRA and the German Road Safety Council. Link
270-degree sensor fusion technology for virtually all-around visibility
The equipment of vehicles with cameras and sensors is very important for the effectiveness of driver assistance systems. In order to make an even better contribution to preventing accidents, Daimler Truck has developed a new electronics platform that enables an even larger view to the front and side through the so-called sensor fusion for merging radar and camera data. The electronics platform offers 20 times faster data processing, and the total of six installed sensors – four lateral short-range radars at the front and rear, both on the right and left, a long-range radar at the front in the center and the multifunction camera in the windshield – can now cover an angle of 270 degrees around the vehicle. Thanks to the significantly enlarged viewing angle, the installed assistance systems can make even better use of their strengths. This applies to both the new and the enhanced systems.
Active Brake Assist 6 with multi-lane monitoring
Active Brake Assist 6 is a good example of the efficiency of the 270-degree fusion technology as well as the overfulfillment of the GSR. At speeds of up to 60 km/h – which was already 50 km/h with ABA 5 – the latest emergency braking assistant from Daimler Truck can now also perform automated maximum full-stop braking ahead of crossing, oncoming or in-lane road users. The GSR calls for the extended response to pedestrians and cyclists for new trucks, buses and touring coaches only as of July 1, 2026. Ahead of stationary vehicles, the system can react, as was previously the case, at speeds up to over 80 km/h with maximum full-stop braking. A further added value of ABA 6 is multi-lane monitoring at a distance of up to 250 meters for even better hazard detection. As a result, the system can react better to critical situations and moving or stationary objects – including, for example, in typical freeway cornering situations. At the same time, radar technology generally ensures high system availability even in poor visibility.
Active Sideguard Assist 2 with extended functionality on the driver’s side
The second-generation Active Sideguard Assist (ASGA 2) shows just how much the equipment of the vehicles with six sensors and the associated, enlarged viewing angle increases road safety. The ASGA 2 monitors traffic on both the driver’s and front passenger sides and with its two-stage warning system it can alert drivers to potential dangers so that timely intervention can mitigate a critical traffic situation. The lateral monitoring zone on the front passenger side and driver’s side has a width of 4.25 meters (previously 3.75 meters on the front passenger side). The warning zone, which is active up to a speed of 30 km/h, is maximum 30 meters behind the vehicle and seven meters in front. Up to a turning speed of 20 km/h, in the red warning zone the system can also initiate automated braking until the vehicle comes to a standstill if the driver has not reacted to an audible and visual warning for the passenger side beforehand. With this function as well, the system goes beyond the requirements of GSR, which only stipulates that Sideguard Assist must issue a warning if necessary. In addition, ASGA 2 provides an intelligent lane change warning concept depending on its own position in the lane and supports drivers on both sides when changing lanes.
New: Front Guard Assist monitors traffic in front of the vehicle
In the hustle and bustle of everyday work, it can quickly happen that drivers are already looking further ahead when starting the engine or moving off at a traffic light and drive off immediately. This can have serious consequences if there are unprotected road users such as pedestrians or cyclists directly in front of the truck, bus or touring coach. In order to avoid accidents in such situations as much as possible, the new Front Guard Assist from Daimler Truck can be a helpful feature. The assistance system monitors the traffic in front of the vehicle and supports the driver when the vehicle is at a standstill, when moving off and at intersections. If the system detects stationary or moving objects in front of the vehicle, it supports the driver in driving situations up to 15 km/h by sending warning messages via the two-stage warning system. The 270-degree fusion technology covers the blind spot in front of the vehicle from 0,8 meters up to approximately four meters across the full width of the vehicle.
Active Drive Assist 3 supports the driving function for partially automated driving even better
Active Drive Assist (ADA), which has enabled partially automated driving (level 2) in a series-production truck since 2018, has also undergone further improvement. Where the second generation of the ADA, installed as of June 2021, was enhanced to include the emergency stop function, ADA 3 now also supports drivers even better in the longitudinal and lateral guidance of the truck. The emergency steering function is particularly new here: Where ASGA 2 reports a risk of a collision during a lane change, ADA 3 can actively countersteer to prevent leaving the lane and steer the vehicle back into the center of the lane or into its own lane. Like the previous generation, ADA 3 can also automatically maintain a distance, accelerate and steer if the necessary system conditions such as a sufficient curve radius or clearly visible lane markings are met. If the driver comes too close to a vehicle in front, ADA 3 can brake the truck automatically to the set distance from the vehicle in front. Once the distance is sufficient again, the system can accelerate the vehicle back up to the set speed. If the system detects that the driver is no longer intervening in the driving process during the trip, for example due to health problems, it is able to brake the vehicle moderately to a standstill or initiate an emergency stop.
Traffic Sign Assist detects traffic signs in real time
With another assistance system, Daimler Truck also goes beyond GSR requirements: Traffic Sign Assist. While EU regulations require the the permanent display of the valid speed limits for the vehicle with possible warning alerts in case of exceeding them, the system also identifies no passing signs and their lifting, as well a warning signs, and displays the last two signs on the Multimedia Cockpit or Classic Cockpit. Thanks to the intelligent linking of camera and map data, Traffic Sign Assist also supports drivers by permanently displaying the last truck-relevant speed limit, which, in turn, makes it easier to comply with the permitted speed. In this way, fines for speed violations can be avoided. If the maximum permissible speed is exceeded, a warning tone sounds. The OCR technology used also “reads” the time restrictions of the corresponding regulations („Optical Character Recognition“). The high computing power and the installed sensors in combination with the GPS system provide exact data in real time for precise position determination as well as vehicle surroundings.
Additional systems result in a harmonious overall package for even more security
Finally, features such as the reversing camera for avoiding collisions when maneuvering or coupling, the tire pressure loss warning system for longer tire life and lower fuel consumption, the attention assistance system for assessing the driver’s level of fatigue and the option of retrofitting an alcohol-test-based immobilizer also contribute to greater safety.
With all the assistance systems, Daimler Truck pursues across its entire product portfolio the objective of supporting and relieving drivers as much as possible during their trips within the system limits. However, the boundaries of physics cannot be moved with the systems – even as good as they are. The driver therefore remains fully responsible for driving the vehicle safely at all times, as stipulated by law.
Media Contacts:
CAROLA PFEIFLESpokesperson Product Communications Mercedes-Benz Truckscarola.pfeifle​ 160 8612423
PETER SMODEJHead of Communications Product & Corporate Mercedes-Benz Trucks / Daimler Busespeter.smodej​ 176 30936446
SOURCE: Daimler Truck AG


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CSA Research’s New Localization Intelligence Analyzer, powered by LocHub, Helps Organizations Improve their Website’s Effectiveness for Global Customers

Customer Data Platform Industry Accelerated During Pandemic: CDP Institute Report

Digi Communications N.V. announces that two of its subsidiaries entered into two facility agreements

Introducing Cap Expand Partners, Helping Business Leaders Break International Barriers

Hong Kong’s Innovation and Technology Venture Fund Becomes Strategic Financial Investor of Ignatica

Cure for prostate cancer on the horizon

Fanpictor signs multi-year partnership with Royal Belgian Football Association

Fanpictor unterzeichnet mehrjährige Partnerschaft mit dem Königlich Belgischen Fussballverband

Fanpictor signe un partenariat pluriannuel avec la Royal Belgian Football Association

Fanpictor firma una colaboración de varios años con la Real Federación Belga de Fútbol

Fanpictor firma una partnership pluriennale con la Royal Belgian Football Association

Fanpictor tekent meerjarige partnership met Koninklijke Belgische Voetbalbond

Launch of the New Akenza Platform

De zelflerende algoritme DBLG1®: eenvoudig te gebruiken voor een optimale en gepersonaliseerde behandeling van diabetes type 1

Launch of the Anna Lindh Foundation Virtual Marathon for Dialogue!

Digi Communications N.V. announces the exercise of stock options by the Executive Director of the Company pursuant to the decision of the Company’s general meeting of shareholders dated 30 April 2020 and in accordance with the stock option plan approved at the level of the Company in 2017

New research unlocks long tail growth opportunity for the tech industry

Digi Communications NV announces the availability of the instructions on the 2020 share dividend payment

Digi Communications NV announces that conditional stock options were granted to several Directors of the Company based on the approval of the general meeting of shareholders from 18 May 2021

Digi Communications N.V. Announces the Company’s General Shareholders Meeting resolutions adopted on 18 May 2021 approving, amongst others, the 2020 Annual Accounts

Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi”) announces the Q1 2021 Financial results

Digi Communications NV announces Investors Call for the Q1 2021 Financial Results

Digi Communications N.V. announces an Amendment to the 2021 Financial Calendar

Fastpayhotels Hits an Industry Milestone by Connecting 500 Hotels Per Day Through DerbySoft Technology

4 ways to build a more flexible supply chain

Join the world’s leading virtual CBD event for FREE


Mono Solutions recognizes Norwegian small business agency with best website 2021 award

Mono Solutions and Xrysos Odigos unlock new opportunities for small businesses

Behind the scenes of a 10,000-people online conference: creating a live-event atmosphere and leveraging cybersecurity software

Largest Supply Chain for Face masks, FFP2, FFP3 and cloth masks


Amendment of Digi Communications N.V. Financial Calendar for 2021

4iG and Digi Communications NV’s Romanian subsidiary have entered into a term sheet with regards to a potential acquisition by 4iG of DIGI Group’s Hungarian operations

“Building Healthy Relationships and Enhancing Gender Equality”: Young women from Cyprus, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan come together

Bring Ventures investit dans Crossborderit (CBIT), DDP et une solution de commerce électronique

Bring Ventures investiert in Crossborderit (CBIT), eine DDP (geliefert verzollt) und E-Commerce Lösung

Bring Ventures invests in Crossborderit (CBIT), DDP and ecommerce solution

Lionspeed GP with Patrick Kolb and Lorenzo Rocco joins forces with CarCollection Motorsport in 2021

Eurekos, ein klassenbester LMS-Anbieter, hat seine Position im renommierten Fosway 9-Grid™ für Lernsysteme verbessert

Eurekos, en førsteklasses LMS-udbyder, har forstærket sin position på den prestigefyldte Fosway 9-Grid™ for læringssystemer

Eurekos, ein erstklassiger LMS-Anbieter, hat seine Position auf dem renommierten Fosway 9-Grid™ für Lernsysteme weiter ausgebaut

Digi Communications N.V. announces Share transaction made by an executive director of the Company with class B shares

GreenMantra Technologies Announces Exclusive Distribution Relationship with HARKE GROUP

Digi Communications N.V.: Announces an Amendment to the Financial Calendar for 2021

Ideanomics Invests $13M in Italian EV Motorcycle Company, Energica

DigiSky and Asman Technology Announce Global Reseller Agreement

Neowintech – O Marketplace Da Sua Próxima Solução Financeira

Neowintech – Il Marketplace per la tua prossima soluzione finanziaria


Digi Communications NV announces the release of the 2020 Preliminary Financial Results

Fraunhofer IGD develops automated robotic arm to scan cultural objects in 3D, now cooperating with Phase One

Adapt Fast or Disappear – Choosing the Right Supplier

Digi Communications NV announces Investors Call for the 2020 Preliminary Financial Results

A URSAPHARM Arzneimittel e a CEBINA anunciam uma parceria com vista a reaproveitar o anti-histamínico azelastina para combater a COVID-19

URSAPHARM Arzneimittel et CEBINA annoncent un partenariat pour reconvertir l’antihistaminique azélastine afin de lutter contre la COVID-19

URSAPHARM Arzneimittel y CEBINA anuncian una colaboración para readaptar el antihistamínico azelastine para combatir la COVID-19

URSAPHARM Arzneimittel and CEBINA announce partnership to repurpose the antihistamine azelastine to combat COVID-19

ANIL UZUN Will Launch Bass Guitar Lessons Series on Youtube

Henrik Stampe Appointed CEO for Mono Solutions

Anna Mossberg leder Nordens största privata AI-lab i Sverige: “Utan AI riskerar svenska företag att förlora sin konkurrensfördel.”

What COVID-19 has taught us about manufacturing & the importance of a digital online marketplace

Digi Communications N.V. announces: the Supreme Court of Hungary dismissed the Company’s appeal related to the 5G Tender procedure

Customer Data Platform Industry to Reach $1.5 Billion in 2021: CDP Institute Report

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