In the Allier region, PSA uses new conventional collective breaks

In 10 days, Michel Malvaux will leave the foundry of Dompierre-sur-Besbre to start an early retirement. He took advantage of the senior leave that allows him to receive his full salary until the real retirement: “This is very good news.Today I am going to be 59. I will be able to enjoy the benefits since I am still a member from Peugeot for 18 months with my full salary.Tomorrow, I can always find a small job to accumulate and enjoy my home now. “

The conventional collective break, PSA applies for many years but under another name. To make the older ones leave, to eliminate the jobs that have become useless. The Syndicate FO (majority), is therefore preparing to accept this measure without any concern. “We are solely and exclusively around voluntary departures.The little extra spice is that we have added CDI, 1,300 starts are possible and 1,400 recruitments also on CDI,” says Christian Lafaye, union representative FO metals.

15 posts involved

For the Dompierre-sur-Besbre site, according to Force Ouvrière’s estimate, there would be 15 possible departures. The union is asking for 30 recruits. Without specifying the figure, management is actually looking for staff. “Our needs today are profiles of electro-mechanics and automation specialists for our maintenance teams and plant operators for our machine shop, which are very difficult to find. to find on the market, “says Hélène Sécalot, head of human resources.

It is only the CGT which sees with a bad eye these breaks conventional collective which empty the factories without recruitment to the height. “We find ourselves with temporary workers who are trained and at the time when we could do them with fixed-term contracts or permanent contracts, and we do not worry about them, we have the case with some colleagues who worked two years on certain positions. They were not hired, they were given a CDI and that was not done, “regrets Damien Zwisler, CGT union representative. In 7 years, the PSA group has lost 20,000 employees.

In the Allier region, PSA has resorted to new conventional collective breaks. The collective conventional break is one of the novelties of the labor law. The PSA group has announced its intention to use it to send 1,300 people. At the Sept-Fons plant in the Allier, this could affect about 15 out of 500 people, according to the FO union. Speakers: Michel Malvaux, Employee of the foundry of Sept-Font / Christian Lafaye, FO metal union representative / Hélène Sécalot, Human Resources Manager / Damien Zwisler, CGT union delegate – S. Vinot / J. Lachas / B. Courtine / France 3 Auvergne

To know more about the conventional breaks collective:

Within the framework set by the Labor Code, a collective agreement may provide for collective conventional break leading to a termination of the employment contract by mutual agreement between the employer and the employee, explains the Ministry of Labor.

This collective agreement, which must be validated by the Regional Director of Enterprises, Competition, Consumption, Labor and Employment (DIRECCTE), determines in particular the maximum number of departures envisaged, the conditions to be met by the employee in order to benefit from it, the methods for calculating the severance indemnities guaranteed to the employee, which may not be lower than the legal compensation due in the event of dismissal for economic reasons and the measures to facilitate the and the reclassification of employees.