Roland Berger Quarterly Index Automated Vehicles 4/2017

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Every three months, Roland Berger’s quarterly index on autonomous driving appears.

The reports analyze the market and put it in a country-specific comparison. In the last years especially dominated Germany, the USA and increasingly Japan,

Assistenzsysteme Continental

Assistance systems & sensors at Continental. Source: Conti

For the past quarter Roland Berger reports above all the rise of partial autonomy, This is particularly true in the US, Japan and South Korea markets. The assistance systems are, except for the microcars, now represented everywhere. In addition, novelties will not only be available in the future when changing vehicles, but software updates should therefore expand the function.

Research also increases, according to the report, and the emphasis remains on the vehicle safety, So are more and more test areas opened and there is also always more room in the public traffic provided. Recently China allows testing on certain roads again.

Regarding the legal settlement, the report is scratching the countries USA; Sweden and Germany out. These countries have refined their rules, with the US still leading the way. In some US states the operation would already be permitted and at US federal level one has recently new rules provided in promising. In Germany, the already ratified law on the ECE Directive R79.

As far as the sale of vehicles with modern assistance systems is concerned, there has been a change. China’s sales of Level 2 vehicles have grown significantly over those in the US and Germany. Other newcomers are South Korea and France,

However, Germany still leads in the competitive situation – ahead of the USA, Sweden and Great Britain. The leadership position is due to the availability of assistance systems in production vehicles. This moment increases even with the risers. Great Britain has excelled in research, according to the Roland Berger Index.

Here you can see the entire study as a PDF download,
