Well-being survey 2023: The employees are happy in their jobs

Findings from the Well-Being Survey for 2023 show an industry that is moving with small steps in the right direction.

For the second year in a row, the Bilimportørenes Landsforening (BIL) and the Norwegian Automobile Industry Association (NBF) have conducted the major Well-Being Survey in the automotive industry. A total of 1,390 employees took part in this year’s survey, compared to 1,134 in 2022.

The well-being survey surveys, among other things, well-being, diversity, security and bullying at workplaces in the car industry in Norway. 

Grafene viser største gap mellom opplevelse av viktighet og tilstedeværelse

– It is pleasing to see that far more people than last year have answered the Well-Being Survey. It shows that both the car importers and other car-related businesses see the value in putting diversity and recruitment on the agenda, and then continue to work systematically with this, says Erik Solum, head of insight and sustainability at BIL.

Erik Solum, head of insight and sustainability in the National Association of Bicycle Porters. Photo: BIL

Positive trend, but still some bullying Several arrows are pointing in the right direction, but the industry still has a way to go. The survey shows a reduction in bullying, and a cautious increase in well-being. 

– We see that those who work with cars in Norway mainly enjoy their work, but that unfortunately there are still cases of bullying, harassment and unfair treatment out there. It is therefore important that we continue to focus on this important work, says Solum.

Grafer viser svak reduksjon av mobbing og trakassering.

12.7% report that they have observed bullying or harassment in the workplace during the last twelve months. It mainly involves disparaging comments, ridicule, ostracism and name-calling. There are 7.4% who report that they have experienced this themselves, which is a decrease from 8.6% from the previous survey.  

The survey shows that most people know what to do if they observe or are exposed to unacceptable incidents in the workplace. 

Objectives of the work Fair treatment, career opportunities and access to skills development are the areas where there is the greatest discrepancy between what employees perceive as important for well-being, versus what they experience in everyday life.  

In 2019 came the requirement for the activity and reporting obligation, which is based on the requirement to promote equality and prevent discrimination. There are now good tools for how companies can work with this to lift the further work.

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