ACI and AICS sign the framework convention for road safety and sustainability in international cooperation countries

ACI and AICS sign the framework convention for road safety and sustainability in international cooperation countries


The framework agreement between the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and the Automobile Club of Italy was signed today at the ACI headquarters, another piece of the great collaborations of the Italian System, strongly relaunched by the Mattei Plan, to increase and enhance the contribution of Italian institutions in cooperation activities.

The AICS proposes itself as the vector of a more pronounced push of the ACI in the field of international cooperation, in particular in the areas of its recognized competence and expertise: from safety and road safety education, to sustainable mobility and the creation of modern and advanced vehicle registration and administrative management systems, in line with the global health and well-being and environmental sustainability objectives of the 2030 Agenda.

Specifically, the collaboration will be carried out, at the request of the partner countries, through projects financed by AICS in the form of assistance programs to be implemented through various activities such as: 

the creation of structures dedicated to training and specific upgrading of technical skills for safe driving, according to the ACI model and educational standards, in line with the most advanced European standards;
the organization of services regarding sustainable mobility and infomobility;
the organization of education and road safety actions and projects, as well as awareness-raising towards sustainable mobility;
the structuring of training courses for the issuing of driving licenses for citizens on the basis of advanced methodologies that allow them to acquire full awareness of the risks of driving and skills to face and avoid such risks.

ACI will make available human and technological resources and the know-how necessary to achieve the objectives of the agreement, leveraging the high professional contribution that it will be able to provide in the process of improving safety and sustainability standards also at an international level, thanks to the own role within the FIA.

“This signature confirms the commitment of the Farnesina and AICS to involve the entire Italian system and its excellences in development cooperation action. The objective is to generate lasting collaborative relationships with our governments and societies priority partners in areas such as the Balkans and North Africa have identified ACI as an entity that can be at the forefront of this effort.” – comments the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Edmondo Cirielli.

“This agreement fits well into the prevention and education activities of AICS, in the areas of road safety, health and environmental sustainability” – comments Marco Riccardo Rusconi, Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, on the sidelines of the event – “With the skills of ACI, we will accompany partner countries in their strategies to reduce road victims, improve environmental standards, and make car registers more efficient, also for tax purposes”.

According to Angelo Sticchi Damiani, President of the Automobile Club of Italy, “cooperating to promote and develop fundamental values ​​such as education and road safety and increasingly sustainable mobility, both from a social and environmental point of view, is part of the very DNA of a realities such as ACI – founding member of the International Automobile Federation, within which it operates in collaboration with clubs around the world – and this agreement with AICS represents an important step forward, to offer partner countries know-how, experience and vision matured in our 120 years of history”.


In the photo from left Marco Riccardo Rusconi (Director of AICS), Hon. Edmondo Cirielli (Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs International Cooperation and Angelo Sticchi Damiani (President of ACI)

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