Vincenzo Leanza is the new General Secretary of the Automobile Club of Italy

Vincenzo Leanza is the new General Secretary of the Automobile Club of Italy


The President Angelo Sticchi Damiani, the managers and all the staff join in wishing the new General Secretary their best wishes for success in his work.

Born in 1958, graduated in Law, Leanza joined the ACI in November 1985. His prestigious cursus honorum saw him, among other things, Director of the “Agreements and Institutional Relations Service”, Central Director of the “Agreements and Local Authorities Function ”, of the “Institutional Activities Directorate” and of the “Study and Research Directorate”.

Leanza has also followed important projects such as the development of the ACI Safe Driving centres, the infomobility services for road safety, the ACI Ready2go driving school network and the ACI Historic Club, of which he is Director.

Before today’s appointment as General Secretary, Leanza held the role of Central Director of the “Directorate for Road Education, Mobility and Tourism”.

Vincenzo Leanza

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