Roads abroad are better than ours in almost every way, say UK drivers

Painted road markings were also up for driver ratings, and once again roads abroad took top marks with 37 per cent of UK drivers saying foreign versions are easier to read. 21 per cent throught UK road markings are superior, while 32 per cent said there was little difference.

The final question in the RAC survey addressed roadside litter, the scourge of many local councils in the UK who battle with fly-tippers, as well as ignorant drivers who chuck rubbish out of their car windows into hedgerows and verges. 34 per cent of the RAC’s respondents said the problem was less of an issue abroad, and only 11 per cent believed the roads over here to be more litter free.

“To hear drivers think they (roads) are significantly worse than elsewhere in Europe is shocking,” says RAC spokesman Rod Dennis. “If other countries can manage to have decent quality highways to drive on, why can’t we? It’s even more concerning from a safety perspective to learn just how many drivers think the UK’s motorways are plagued with potholes compared to the smooth surfaces of their European counterparts, as it’s these high-speed routes that carry most traffic.”

Do you think the UK has the worst roads in Europe? Let us know in the comments section below…

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