Speed ​​cameras with AI in Germany

Artificial intelligence is on everyone’s lips and is bringing about changes, especially in the world of work. But there are also changes in everyday life, especially on the street.

Using AI can Speed ​​cameras in Germany In some cases, it can now also detect whether someone is using their cell phone while driving. But how far does the topic of AI speed cameras go in this country and what are the regulations?

Can speed cameras detect cell phone use?

It is well known that cell phones are prohibited while driving. Nevertheless, it doesn’t stop many drivers from doing so Smartphone in your hand while driving gain weight. However, the penalties themselves should be deterrent enough:

As a driver, using your cell phone while driving: 128.50 euros fine and one point in Flensburg
… if there is additional danger: 178.50 euros fine, two points in Flensburg and a driving ban for one month
… if property damage occurs: 228.50 euros fine, two points in Flensburg and a one-month driving ban

Worth knowing: Cyclists are also affected by the cell phone ban. However, you “only” receive a fine of 83.50 euros.

Since fines, points and driving bans are apparently not enough to completely deter people in general (and the fact that the danger also puts human lives at risk), there are now even more drastic measures that make use of modern technology.

How does the new speed camera work?

Distance meters are already being used on bridges to determine whether moving vehicles are maintaining the minimum distance. There are also so-called monocams that are also placed on a bridge (they are also called AI speed cameras). However, these do not care about the distance, but rather film into the vehicle.

Artificial intelligence looks at the recordings and evaluates whether the driver had the cell phone in his hand while driving. If this is the case and the AI ​​detects this scenario, the recording is actually saved. Trained police officers then evaluate the recording manually.

Worth knowing: The Monocam is currently not used in Germany (but they have been used in the neighboring country of the Netherlands for some time). In some cities there have already been pilot projects with the so-called AI speed camera or cell phone speed camera. In Rhineland-Palatinate there is already a plan to use the monocam across the board. In keeping with this, there was already a ruling from the Trier District Court that Fine notices due to cell phone speed cameras were sent, are also legally binding.

Can the police recognize a speed camera app?

Assuming that someone doesn’t have their cell phone in their hand and the cell phone speed camera doesn’t turn on, there is still another, critical scenario. We’re talking about speed camera apps, which are already hotly debated.

Here are the most important points in this context:

There are countless speed camera apps that can be installed quickly and can then warn drivers of mobile and fixed speed cameras shortly before they reach the location.
Reporting a speed camera in such an app is allowed (but of course not while driving).
In general, speed camera warning apps are not banned. They can be used at any time before driving or at a rest area.
A speed camera app must not be active while driving.
The passenger is also not allowed to use a speed camera app while driving (or he is allowed to use it, but is not allowed to say a word to the driver or warn him).
If the radio warns of speed traps, that is legally okay.
Automatic speed camera warning devices (that are placed or mounted in the cockpit) are also prohibited.

But can the police tell during a check whether someone is using a speed camera app or a device? If the smartphone is not lying on the passenger seat with the app open or if the device for the speed camera warning is not still hanging in the cockpit, then it is of course not clear during the check whether an app was used or not.

If the app is only installed on the smartphone but is not visibly active when checked, then this is not prohibited either. It can be used during breaks, but not while driving – not even lying on the passenger seat or with a warning tone. In any case, it must be deactivated, as must any form of speed camera warning device, otherwise you could face a fine.

What is the best speed camera detector?

If you want to find out about speed cameras that will soon be on the route before driving or at a rest stop, you are of course looking for the best speed camera warning devices. As mentioned, there are apps for mobile devices as well as small gadgets.

The OOONO radar detector is one of the most popular models on the market, but it is exactly what is forbidden when driving. Instead, we recommend apps that allow drivers to search for speed cameras on the route when taking a break at the rest area or before setting off.


TomTom AmiGo
Speed ​​camera radar detector
Radarbot: Speed ​​camera radar detector

What legal alternative is there?

Although it may not seem entirely logical from a purely logical perspective, speed camera warnings over the radio are permitted. Many programs provide information about fixed and mobile speed cameras and calling and reporting a new speed camera is also permitted.

By the way: As a driver who has spotted a speed camera, you can also warn other drivers. However, flashing headlights, as is often used, is not permitted – this could result in a fine. Instead, a show of hands must be given.

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