@VW Group: Jazz at the Audi Forum Ingolstadt: swingIN Big Band kicks off the season009219

Jazz fans can look forward to the new 2024/25 jazz season at the Audi Forum Ingolstadt concert series starting on September 12. As in previous years, the first of the monthly concerts at the Audi museum mobile will be performed by swingIN Big Band Ingolstadt. A week later, the After Work Jazz Lounge will start up again, as usual, every Thursday evening at the Audi Forum Bar & Lounge.

The Audi Forum Ingolstadt’s jazz summer break is over! The popular concert series recommences on September 12 with its traditional format. As in previous years, swingIN Big Band Ingolstadt will kick off the new season of jazz concerts at the Audi museum mobile.

The band, consisting of 18 musicians from Ingolstadt and the surrounding region, enjoys showcasing the greats of jazz history – from Glenn Miller and Duke Ellington to Count Basie and Benny Goodman. Their diverse sound, exciting grooves, and the interplay of ensemble passages and solos offer concertgoers a unique listening experience. The band’s rich repertoire includes dreamy ballads, punchy rock, foot-tapping funk, swinging dance music, jazz waltzes, Latin jazz, and crossover.

Tickets for the swingIN Big Band Ingolstadt concert are available online at the Audi Ticket Shop for 25 euros (full price) and 20 euros (reduced price). The concert season at the Audi museum mobile starts on September 12 at 8 PM.

The season also gets off with a bang at the After Work Jazz Lounge

The After Work Jazz Lounge at the Audi Forum will once again provide musical entertainment. Duo Joe Bawelino and Gige Brunner will take the stage for the new season at the Bar & Lounge with their program “20 Finger an 2 Gitarren” (20 fingers on 2 guitars) on September 19, followed by German-American jazz violinist Max Grosch and pianist Mathias Bublath from Munich on September 26. The free events run every Thursday from 5 PM.

Notice for media professionals

We ask media professionals to email their accreditation requests for the swingIN Big Band Ingolstadt concert to michael1.drotless@audi.de by Monday, September 9, 2024. We wish to stress that AUDI AG does not invite media professionals to this event with the aim of influencing their journalistic independence or, in any other way, causing violations of the law that could distort competition. Please note that this invitation is subject to your manager’s approval. Kindly ensure that you obtain any approval required by your employer’s regulations.

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