General Motors said on Wednesday that it would start making its first ever hybrid flex vehicles that can fully run on ethanol or gasoline, alongside their batteries in Brazil, Reuters reported.
Competitors Stellantis and Honda have also stated that they will launch hybrid flex vehicles in Brazil, a country where a majority of the cars run on 100% biofuel, Reuters noted.
The U.S. manufacturer makes other kinds of hybrid vehicles, but has said it is committed to shifting toward fully electric cars over the longer term, Reuters reported.
While General Motors makes other kinds of hybrid vehicles, it is committed to shifting to fully electric cars in the longer term, the newswire reported.
The US automaker did not give a timeline for launching the vehicles, but a local union at a plant in Sao Jose dos Campos noted that the first model would be in the market next year, the newswire said.
GM is the third biggest automaker in Brazil by sales in the year through August, from the Fenabrave dealers’ association.