Sales of electrified vehicles drop 18.6% in August

In the total for the year, 75,908 vehicles have been sold, which represents a drop of 3.4%

Electrified passenger cars total 5,706 sales, 17.8% less than last year

In August, sales of alternative vehicles represent close to half of sales, with conventional hybrids being the first purchase option
ANFAC trusts that the renewal of MOVES and the deduction of personal income tax for the purchase of electrified vehicles can encourage the electrified market in the last four months of the year

Madrid, September 2, 2024.- Sales of electrified vehicles (electric and plug-in hybrids, including passenger cars, quadricycles, commercial and industrial vehicles and buses) fell 18.6% in August, with a total of 6,105 sales. A decline that continues to maintain the downward trend and places the market for this type of vehicle at 9.66% of the total, which represents 1.4 p.p. less than August of last year.

Until August, sales of electrified vehicles accumulate 75,908 units, 3.4% lower than the same period of the previous year. In the cumulative figure for the year, the total share is 9.4%, a figure even lower than in 2023. A market situation that is moving away from being able to reach the annual milestones necessary to meet the emissions reduction objectives set by the PNIEC .

Regarding registrations of alternative vehicles (electrified, hybrid and gas), they grew by 5% in the month, with 29,973 units sold and representing 47.41% of the market, with sales of conventional hybrids being the main driver. In the total for the year, 346,610 sales were accumulated, with a growth of 17.3%.


Sales of pure electric vehicles fell 25.6% in August, with 3,064 units registered. It represents 4.85% of the market share for the month. For the year as a whole, sales of these vehicles total 37,076 units, 2.66% less than in the same period of the previous year. The cumulative quota for the year is 4.6%


Sales of plug-in hybrid vehicles decreased by 10.2% during August, with 3,041 units registered. It represents 4.81% of the market share for the month. For the year as a whole, sales of these vehicles total 38,832 units, 4.1% less than in the same period of the previous year. The cumulative quota for the year is 4.82%.


Sales of non-plug-in hybrid vehicles increased by 10.6% during August, reaching 21,345 units registered this month. It represents 33.8% of the market share in August. In the accumulated of the year, sales of these vehicles accumulate 248,853 units, 24.4% more than in the same period of the previous year. The share of the total for the year is 30.87%.


Sales of gas vehicles increased by 42.7% in August with 2,513 units registered, representing 3.97% of the market share in the month. For the year as a whole, sales of these vehicles accumulated 21,793 units, 29.1% more than in the same period of the previous year. The cumulative quota for the year is 2.7%.


In the month of August, the sale of 10 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles was recorded. In the total year, 56 new units have been registered, 367% more than the previous year.


Registrations of electrified, hybrid and gas CARS increased their sales in August by 7.3% compared to the same month of the previous year, up to 29,409 units delivered. In August, they account for 56.21% of total sales, totaling half of passenger car sales in the month. For the year as a whole, they represent 50.26% of the market, with 337,510 units and a growth of 19%.

Regarding the electrified passenger car market, a new decrease was recorded in August, with 17.8% less and 5,706 units. A figure that places the market share at 10.91% for the month, which is 1.5 percentage points less than the same figure from the previous year. By type, pure electric vehicles reduced their sales by 24.8%, with 2,696 units sold in the month. Similarly, plug-in hybrids fell by 10.5%, with 3,010 new registrations.

In the total for the year, sales of electrified passenger cars accumulate 69,833 units, which already represents a decrease of 1.74% compared to the previous year. With this figure, the electrified market represents 10.4% of the total, being lower than that registered in the same period of the previous year.


José López-Tafall, general director of ANFAC, indicated that “August leaves us with a worrying scenario in terms of sales volumes in the general market, but also in sales of electric and plug-in hybrids. We continue with a joint quota of around 10% and with monthly deliveries close to 7,000 units, which makes us fall far short of the levels necessary to meet the PINIEC objectives. Clearly, the 5.5 million electric vehicles foreseen by the plan are unattainable. We hope that the renewal of the MOVES III Plan funds and the continuity of the €3,000 tax deduction until the end of the year will encourage the market in the last quarter. The main Autonomous Communities, such as Madrid and Catalonia, do not have a waiting list, and now is a good time for all those who want to make the leap to electromobility. That said, it would be necessary to give a message to citizens about stability in aid. Today we do not know if there will be a MOVES plan in 2025, and support for companies, which lead the penetration of new technologies and are half of the market, could also be reinforced. ANFAC reiterates its offer to work with decision-makers and politicians to turn this challenge into an opportunity; “Great successes are achieved with coordination and dialogue, and the sector has many proposals and ideas on the table.”

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