Now spend all your energy on climate-neutral conversion and sustainable employment

Duisburg – Today, Tuesday, the first chairwoman of IG Metall, Christiane Benner, found out about the situation at thyssenkrupp Steel on site. The program included discussions with representatives of the works council, a visit to a vigil and exchanges with employees. On the occasion of her visit, Benner said:

“It was important to me to find out more personally from my colleagues on site today. It became clear in the discussions that people are concerned about the future of their jobs, their families and their home region. There is great uncertainty and frustration about the behavior of the company’s management. But the determination of the employees to fight for their jobs and a good future for thyssenkrupp is at least as great. They made that abundantly clear to me today. You can rely on IG Metall.

I observe with great concern how carelessly the management of thyssenkrupp has destroyed trust and fueled uncertainty within weeks. In recent years, thyssenkrupp has repeatedly gone through difficult times. In all the crises, co-determination was a guarantee of reason, stability and reliability. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about management. It is all the more dramatic how the culture of co-determination is now being thrown overboard at thyssenkrupp. This is a wrong path that management must abandon immediately. It doesn’t work without respect for co-determination and cooperation on an equal footing. Now it is important to use all our energy together for a climate-neutral conversion of the plants and for sustainable, future-proof employment that strengthens the region.”

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