Mechanical and plant engineering: IG Metall calls for strategies for the future instead of pure cost reductions

Berlin – IG Metall is calling on mechanical and plant engineering companies to push ahead with innovative future strategies despite the tense economic situation. Only around half of the companies have already formulated goals with regard to climate neutrality, criticizes IG Metall with reference to its own survey. Mechanical and plant engineering forms the foundation for the climate-neutral transformation of the entire industry. Investments at domestic locations must not be neglected now, warns IG Metall.

The union is convinced that the industry must also become more attractive for skilled workers. Companies should advertise more for employees with the advantages of dual training and good, collectively agreed and co-determined jobs. Meanwhile, politicians must improve the framework conditions for good and safe work at domestic locations, demanded IG Metall at a mechanical engineering conference organized by the Hans Böckler Foundation in Berlin, which was also attended by Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection Michael Kellner.

Jürgen Kerner, Second Chairman of IG Metall: “Many companies are reacting to the current situation with old recipes: relocations and restructuring at the expense of employees. But the future has never been won with this. It is important to rely on what has made the industry strong: technological leadership, innovative business models and qualified specialists with good and secure work. This is the only way we can survive in international competition and master the energy transition. In order to secure jobs and locations in Germany’s most employable industry, politicians must also strengthen the domestic industrial location with reliable framework conditions, sustainable funding programs and investments.”

Michael Kellner, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection: “Mechanical and plant engineering and its employees are a cornerstone of our economy and crucial for the development of a climate-neutral industry in Germany and the world. It is your innovations that bring transformation into practice at the business location. We support this: With the new “Federal Funding for Industry and Climate Protection” for medium-sized businesses, we are strengthening the industry as a user and provider of innovative machines “made in Germany” in order to secure locations with good, fair working conditions in Germany. Another important step is to be implemented with the Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA), which came into force in June 2024, and is intended to rapidly advance the expansion of manufacturing capacities in the area of ​​net zero technologies. This will also be an important task for German mechanical and plant engineering.”

Christina Schildmann, Head of the Research Funding Department, Hans Böckler Foundation: “German mechanical and plant manufacturers have been world leaders for decades and enjoy an excellent reputation. At the same time, the pressure in the boiler is increasing in the industry. New competitors, particularly from the Asia-Pacific region, are entering the market and expanding their shares there – not only in the lower levels of the market, but also where complexity and high quality are required. In such a competitive environment, the means of the hour are not to reduce costs and save money, but rather to invest: in people, infrastructure and innovations, at the state level and in companies. And it is important to make full use of the strength of the German model: decisions that are made in a spirit of social partnership continue to contribute.”

At the mechanical engineering conference, around 250 works councils will meet in Berlin on September 10th and 11th to discuss current topics in the industry with experts from industry, science and politics. Under the title “Climate-neutral transformation in mechanical and plant engineering – shaping the future” it deals with areas of action such as sustainable employment and current challenges for company co-determination. The mechanical engineering conference takes place every two years and is organized by the Hans Böckler Foundation in cooperation with IG Metall.

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