Exhaust scandal: Austria initiates class action lawsuit against Volkswagen

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Exhaust scandal Austria initiates class action lawsuit against Volkswagen

VW-Logo: Die Regierung in Österreich will die vorsätzliche Manipulation an den VW-Fahrzeugen nicht einfach so hinnehmen


VW logo: The government in Austria does not want to accept the deliberate manipulation of the VW vehicles just like that

After the diesel scandal Volkswagen Show stock market chart In Austria around 360,000 affected car owners can participate in class action lawsuits. The Ministry of Social Affairs and the Vienna Chamber of Labor have commissioned the Verein für Konsumenteninformation (VKI) on Thursday.

An opinion of the VKI shows that it is due to the exhaust manipulations of the German company could give value reductions of more than 20 percent in vehicles. Even consequential damage such as reduced performance and increased wear despite software update are therefore possible.

All victims can register by May 20, “in order to enforce their right to adequate compensation,” said Social Affairs Minister Beate Hartinger-Klein. In the meantime, injured persons may have sold the car again. “It can not be that deliberate manipulation to such an extent without consequences and Austrian consumers remain sitting on their damage,” said the VKI.

Legally, a single class action in a single court is not allowed in Austria since VW AG has its seat in Germany. Therefore, the various claims are bundled by two law firms and brought to courts throughout the country. Affected parties can participate with a small contribution to the class action lawsuits. The remainder of the money comes from a litigation funder, who receives a certain quota on success in court.

mg / AFX

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