US military is looking for security holes in autonomous driving

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The US Department of Defense wants to close the security holes in their own vehicles.

To one security risk In the military vehicles to avoid looking at the Light Armored Vehicles (LAV) for vulnerabilities in networking and control.

US Cyberverteidigung.

US cyber defense. Source: meritalk

Thus, one is currently looking for incident defense systems that should protect ground vehicles from cyber attacks. The tests can be found in California instead, more precisely in the Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. The concern is not unjustified, ever again Vehicles hacked and that is one of the Main sources of anxiety Autonomous driving – after delivery of the control,

Especially with regard to automating the vehicles, hacking is a big problem – not just for that military – Even manually controlled vehicles are equipped with a lot of high-tech.

The department that leads the project is TARDEC. This prefers an additional system, which can be adapted depending on the vehicle, or a complex compact offer.

Nice Google helps the US military with the development of KIs that serve for image recognition. And the DARPA is also researching an AI to ward off cyber attacks.

source (English)
