Online challans for PUC, insurance fines up to 10,000 in Gurugram

<p>On Wednesday, commuters said they hoped such measures would help make the city's roads safer and easier to navigate.</p>
On Wednesday, commuters said they hoped such measures would help make the city’s roads safer and easier to navigate.

Keep your insurance and pollution certificate updated when you drive on city roads, even if you’re sure you won’t encounter a police check anywhere on your route because you know the lay of the land.

After violations like jumping red lights, wrong-side driving and others, Gurugram police will start issuing online challans for lapsed PUC and insurance as well.

This was so far done only after a physical check. Now, with the help of new software, cops can check digital records of vehicles captured in cameras and issue challans of INR 10,000 for an invalid pollution certificate and INR 2,000 for lapsed insurance.

DCP (traffic) Virendra Vij said on Wednesday that all preparations have been made to crack down on commuters violating traffic rules and driving without complete documentation.

“In this regard, new software has been updated in all cameras in the city. If a camera catches a commuter breaking any traffic rule, the system will also check for documentation of the vehicle and automatically issue challans if insurance or PUC have expired,” the DCP said. The new system came into effect on Wednesday.

Online traffic challans were introduced in Gurgaon only in 2019, when the first set of cameras were installed. At the time, only a few stretches of the city were covered, but this network has been expanded to 10,000 CCTV cameras currently.

“A significant portion of this network is dedicated to monitoring traffic and issuing challans, including AI-equipped cameras at key junctions, highways and expressways to detect violations such as helmet and seatbelt non-compliance,” a police officer said.

Last year, cops issued 13.6 lakh challans, amounting to penalties of INR 15.1 crore, for traffic violations. Most fines were issued for driving without helmets, wrong-side driving, and illegal parking .

On Wednesday, commuters said they hoped such measures would help make the city’s roads safer and easier to navigate.

“Despite all the efforts, there has been little change in public behaviour. People are not careful about following traffic norms. I hope things will improve with time,” said Lamuell Lal, a resident of Sector 40.

  • Published On Jan 30, 2025 at 02:32 PM IST

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