Diesel scandal at VW: German investigators unimpressed by US lawsuit against Winterkorn

Martin Winterkorn

The prosecutors in the US accuse the ex-chief of Volkswagen, Martin Winterkorn, conspiracy to deceive the authorities in the exhaust gas manipulation and violations of US environmental laws.

(Photo: AP)

The prosecutor in Braunschweig shows up in the diesel scandal of Volkswagen little impressed from the indictment of her colleagues in the US against the former CEO Martin Winterkorn,

“Just because the Americans accuse Mr. Winterkorn, that does not change our investigation concept,” said a spokesman for the investigation on Friday. Investigations in the exhaust gas scandal would continue unabated.

It was planned to give the lawyers access to the files during the summer. But this is not said that the investigation would be completed. Because the lawyers would then have the opportunity to comment, which could lead to further investigations. He therefore does not expect a conclusion of the fraud investigations this year.

Detroit prosecutors accuse Winterkorn of conspiring to deceive the authorities on pollution abatement and violate US environmental laws. The prosecutor Braunschweig determine since the discovery of the diesel scandal two and a half years ago against numerous accused, including Winterkorn.

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