South Korea wants to ban BMW and Porsche models

Trouble for German car makers in South Korea: The Ministry of the Environment accuses BMW and Porsche of irregularities in the registration papers – and could impose severe penalties.

Porsche Macan S

Porsche Macan S

Tuesday, 29.11.2016
15:50 clock

South Korea wants to sell some import models from BMW and Porsche to forbid. Besides the German automakers is also Nissan affected from Japan. Reason for the prohibition should be incorrect information about the approval.

The certification papers were notable for their findings, said the Ministry of the Environment in Seoul. Accordingly, fines of 6.5 billion won (5.2 million euros) are also due to the local branches of the three manufacturers. The final decision will be taken after a hearing in December.

The Korea Times newspaper quotes a ministry official saying that it is unclear whether it is deliberate manipulation. According to the government, six models are currently affected by the impending ban on sales: the BMW X5M Chart zeigen, the Macan S Diesel, two more Porsche models Chart zeigen as well as the Qashqai and Infiniti Q50 from Nissan Chart zeigen,

BMW is said to have transmitted some test results of the X6M on the documents for the X5M. The group has explained that with the fact that both models had the same engine.

South Korea’s authorities had to review documents on more than a dozen foreign automakers after the investigation exhaust scandal extended at Volkswagen. VW was accused of polishing documents on emissions and noise tests. The sale of almost all VW models in South Korea had been stopped in August

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