Possible deal with the US government: VW boss Diess should have burdened Winterkorn in the US

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Possible deal with the US government VW boss Diess should have burdened Winterkorn in the US

Früher geeint, heute getrennt: die Volkswagen-Manager Winterkorn (l.) und Diess


Formerly united, today separated: the Volkswagen managers Winterkorn (l.) And Diess

The new Volkswagen boss Herbert Diess is said to have testified in the US judiciary over his predecessor Martin Winterkorn. As the “Bild” newspaper reported on Tuesday, Diess “traveled around May 1” to the US to speak with representatives of the US Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI. These classified his statements as “obviously stressful” for Winterkorn.

This itself points the claim that he had burdened the former CEO Winter grain in the exhaust scandal against the US judiciary, according to a report of the “Handelsblatt” back. This does not have to fear direct arrest by the USA according to “Bild” newspaper – contrary to its former boss Winterkorn, which is to be made the case in the USA.

According to the “Bild” newspaper, Diess told the US investigators what he said on 27 July 2015 in Wolfsburg. On this day, the then CEO Winterkorn and other top managers have been informed in detail about the exhaust gas fraud of the group. VW did not want to comment on the report.

US Justice raises serious allegations against Winterkorn in an indictment published Thursday. She accuses the 70-year-old, among other things, conspiracy to cheat the United States. Volkswagen In September 2015, under pressure from the US authorities, it admitted that it had installed illegal software in around 11 million diesel cars of different brands worldwide, which reduced nitrogen oxide emissions in standardized tests – but not in normal road use.

This can travel normally

Winterkorn resigned shortly after this admission, but always denied having learned about the scams early. The Supervisory Board of Volkswagen is considering to hold the former CEO responsible for the billions in damages caused by the diesel scandal.

This, however, the US authorities have promised to have safe passage, According to information of the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” diess got only an oral assurance, since the US Ministry of Justice did not seem to create a precedent. However, this commitment is considered safe and reliable. From the VW Group should be heard that Diess travel quite normal. His predecessor Matthias Müller, whom Diess had replaced in April, had however, every time anew to explore whether he could fly risk-free.

Die Bild newspaper also reported that Diess now has a commitment that he would not be arrested while traveling abroad or to the United States and informed in advance of a possible lawsuit or arrest warrant.

However, this is still being investigated in Germany on suspicion of market manipulation. Investors accuse him and other senior executives of having informed Volkswagen too late about the risks from the diesel scandal. Public prosecutors are also investigating Winterkorn, Müller and the chairman of the supervisory board, Hans Dieter Pötsch.

cr / RTR / afp

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