Gunnar Kilian becomes HR Director

The car maker Volkswagen wants to rebuild its leadership. The successor to SPIEGEL information has already been determined for the personnel director.

Volkswagen-Zentrale in Wolfsburg

Volkswagen headquarters in Wolfsburg

Tuesday, 10.04.2018
18:35 clock

The Volkswagen Group is building his board around, In addition to CEO Matthias Müller and HR Director Karlheinz Blessing go.

Blessings successor is already clear after SPIEGEL information. The new Chief Human Resources Officer is to become Gunnar Kilian. Kilian is currently Secretary General of Works Council Chairman Bernd Osterloh.

Blessing are accused of deficits in personnel management. The works council internally held him a lack of competence: According to one employee, the former SPD federal executive acted like a politician, not like a manager. But Blessing could have a different function within the group.

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