VW overseer criticized clarification of the diesel affair

No cultural change recognizable: The ordered by the US authorities VW inspector Larry Thompson criticized according to a media report, the lax processing of the exhaust gas scandal.

VW-Autohaus in San Diego, Kalifornien (Symbolbild)

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Sunday, 22.04.2018
00:02 o’clock

VW Overseer Larry Thompson has submitted his first report to the US Department of Justice. The lawyer criticized in the confidential paper and the internal processing of exhaust affair, reports the “Bild am Sonntag” (BamS). Thus, Thompson misses the seriousness VW and criticizes that there were hardly any personal consequences in Germany.

Because of a Comparison with the US Justice VW had undertaken to have the company monitored by a monitor for three years. In an internal address to executives said the new VW boss Herbert Diess BamS states that the first control report contains a “large number of recommendations and observations – positive and negative” – ​​and that there is “need for action”. “We need to take ethics and compliance seriously in the business,” Diess told senior executives. The monitor was “a chance to become more honest, open, truthful and a bit more ‘decent’.

In any big company there would be stressful issues and processes. “But there are definitely too many of us here,” Diess continues. While the US inspector can not yet recognize a true cultural change at VW, Diess is optimistic for the future: “In two to three years, we should be ready so that headlines like last can no longer occur.”

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