Former VW top manager Hatz files a constitutional complaint

For months, former Volkswagen manager Wolfgang Hatz has resisted his pre-trial detention. He was not heard enough, he complains. Now he tries the Federal Constitutional Court.

Ehemaliger VW-Topmanager Wolfgang Hatz

Former VW top manager Wolfgang Hatz

Monday, 23.04.2018
14:18 clock

The former top manager Wolfgang Hatz, who has been in custody for nearly seven months because of the exhaust gas scandal, wants his release with a complaint after a media report Federal Constitutional Court to reach. “The process is in progress,” confirmed a spokesman for the court of the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”. A decision was not to be expected in the next few days.

Hatz asserted in Karlsruhe that his claim under Article 103 of the Basic Law on “legal hearing” in the judiciary had been violated, the paper said, citing parties. Article 103 of the Constitution means that the judiciary must not only take note of pleadings, but also deal with them in detail. According to Hatz’s lawyers, this did not happen at the Higher Regional Court (OLG) in Munich. The Higher Regional Court had, according to the report in early March on 13 pages rejected the request to release Hatz.

Previously, the defenders of Hatz in long pleadings first to the district court Munich I and then to the Higher Regional Court rejected the accusation that her client was involved in the emissions scandal. Hatz is in custody because of the danger of flight and blackout. From 2001 to 2009, the engine expert was head of aggregate development at the Volkswagen subsidiary Audi,

After a station at VW Hatz finally came in the Porsche-Board. There he was then released after the start of the flue. When Hatz finally left the sports car manufacturer, the Porsche AG explained that there were “no indications” of his being responsible for it manipulated exhaust gas measurements in diesel vehicles been found.

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