Conventional collective break: a first agreement negotiated at PSA

The unions FO, CFDT, CFTC and GSEA, together accounting for more than 58% of the votes, said they wanted to sign the draft agreement on the conventional break. It also provides for as many hires on permanent contracts in 2018.

The CGT (19.6%) is opposed, the CFE-CGC (19.4%) did not make known its position. The document will be officially signed Friday, at a central corporate committee devoted to the PSA Group’s 2018 employment policy (Peugeot, Citroën, DS, Open, Vauxhall) in France.

The result of the last reform of the labor code, conventional collective breaks (RCC) allow to delete positions through voluntary departures, without economic justification. They require an agreement signed by unions representing at least 50% of the staff.

The Inrocks and the Figaro society plan to resort to it. The women’s ready-to-wear chain Pimkie was forced to give it up in the absence of agreement with the unions.

Measures that ensure the safety of employees’ careers

At PSA, the project discussed on January 9 is “a continuation of existing measures”, where “the voluntary remains the rule”, was justified the CFDT in a statement. She felt that she had “secured this agreement so that it is not a danger for the employees” but “an opportunity for those who want it”. The incentives to leave are the same as those negotiated during a first agreement signed in 2013. They provide for a bonus ranging from 4 to 8 months salary.

In Rennes, this agreement could concern 47 employees. Christine Virassamy, Central Trade Union Representative CFDT reminds that volunteering is the rule. It specifies “what drives us are the transformations of the company, many professions will evolve, choices of direction will have to be made and it is our responsibility to offer these measures to employees.” Among these measures and according to her, the measure “senior leave” is very popular. It must allow to leave 3 years before the retirement age, before 5 years for the employees of the Janais, a device entirely financed by the company.

FO voted 96% for all of its sites.

On the whole, PSA anticipates 1300 collective collective breakages, 900 cessations of activity of seniors (who will receive 70% of their gross salary the 2 or 3 years preceding their effective retirement) and more than 6,000 internal mobilities. In return, the company is committed to recruiting “more than 1,300” permanent contracts (probably 1,400, according to a spokesperson) and to welcome “at least 2,000 young apprentices” in 2018.

Second trade union behind FO, the CGT “categorically refuses to sign this new job cuts plan, whose details by site and category is hidden from the unions,” she said in a statement

A consultation of elected officials of the CCE must take place this Friday at 10:30 am in Paris and should validate this agreement.