Manufacturers ask that the same CO2 criteria for cars and trucks are not used

Posted 09/05/2018 13: 58: 12CET


The Association of European Automobile Manufacturers (ACEA) has asked the European Commission (EC) not to use the same criteria and a similar approach for cars and industrial vehicles when establishing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions standards.

The organization reacts thus to the proposal of the EC in relation to the start up of the first standard of emissions of CO2 for industrial vehicles and emphasized that this type of vehicles has specificities that must be taken into account at the time of regulating.

“Unlike passenger cars, trucks are not consumer goods, they are tools used by both small and large companies,” said the organization’s secretary general, Erik Jonnaert.

From ACEA stressed that industrial vehicles are often manufactured specifically to meet the needs of customers, so there are “thousands” of shapes, lengths and sizes.

“Put simply: trucks are not big cars, so when designing CO2 standards for heavy commercial vehicles, regulators should not fall into the trap of simply repeating the approach used for cars,” he added.

Thus, the organization explained that trucks represent a fifth of the carbon dioxide emissions of transport in the European Union, although they account for more than 70% of the land load.

ACEA indicated that from 2019 all EU truck manufacturers will use the same calculation tool to declare CO2 emissions from their range of vehicles. Thus, the association welcomed the introduction of CO2 standards for trucks, although it demanded that this operation be done in an “ambitious but realistic” way.

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