PSA: adopted, the project of conventional collective breaks will affect the three northern factories

PSA has achieved that Pimkie failed to do : to accept a project of collective collapseby the unions. The project was adopted by majority on Thursday 18th January by FO, CFDT, CFTC and CIA.

The CGT, the first union of the group among the workers and the CFE CGC, majority among the executives, refuse for the moment to sign.

60 positions in the Nord and Pas-de-Calais

According to a union source, the plan of deletions threatens the three PSA factories of North and Pas-de-Calais and is distributed as follows: 30 posts in the factory of PSA Sevelnord in Lieu-Saint-Amand
13 positions at the PSA-ULV factory in Valenciennes
17 posts on the Douvrin PSA site

This is the first application of the system to achieve voluntary departures outside a social plan and without economic justification. They require an agreement signed by unions representing at least 50% of the staff.

Job cuts … and hiring

Unlike the Pimkie chain, which provided for net job cutss and the closure of stores, the use of conventional collective breaks (RCC) at PSA is not intended to reduce the workforce, since the company has planned to compensate for voluntary departures by hiring on permanent contracts.
The management has not yet published a detailed list by category or 2,200 job cuts planned, or promised hires on permanent contracts, according to Cédric Brun, PSA Valenciennes union representative CGT

“Contractual Breakdown” or “Job Saving Plan”, what’s the difference?