FreeWire Turns Mobi Charger Into Mobi Gen – Mobile 80-kWh Power


FreeWire Technologies is expanding its business from mobile charging stations to mobile generators with Mobi Gen for off-grid applications.

FreeWire Mobi Gen

The FreeWire Mobi Gen is kind of a mobile energy storage power output unit with 15 kW and 80 kWh of batteries, good for over five hours of continuous operation.

On April 20, Mobi Gens will be used at the Off the Grid’s flagship weekly Friday night market at Fort Mason Center (San Francisco Bay Area).

Replacing the diesel generators will improve the events because the generators noise and exhaust have been constant sources of guest frustration.

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“Outdoor events traditionally rely on fossil fuel generators to provide onsite power for vendors and entertainment, exacerbating air pollution and posing health risks for the surrounding areas. With the addition of the Mobi Gen system, Off the Grid can now retire two of its existing gasoline generators. A single Mobi Gen enables Off the Grid to cut out 10 gallons of fuel use at each event, which will reduce nearly 3 tons of CO2 emissions across the 2018 season.”

“The Mobi Gen unit for Off the Grid is being funded through a grant from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Switching to FreeWire’s onsite power solution is just part of Off the Grid’s ongoing initiatives to partner with like-minded organizations and adopt green practices across all service offerings. Other projects include working toward making its major destination markets — Off the Grid: Fort Mason Center and Presidio Picnic, hosted in partnership with the Presidio Trust — zero-waste and leveraging advanced management software to reduce food waste and optimize supply chains for its catering business.”

FreeWire Technologies CEO and founder Arcady Sosinov said:

“Off the Grid is rethinking where and how businesses can operate, including their off-grid energy. We’re excited to be a part of their effort to cut fossil fuel consumption and integrate more sustainable methods for powering these innovative events. This platform is perfectly aligned with our vision of delivering clean power anywhere and anytime it’s needed.”

Off the Grid founder and CEO Matt Cohen said:

“As a mobile events and experience platform, the nature of what we do is temporary. With this comes a particular set of challenges. Generators have been necessary for years to power refrigeration at our events. The generator exhaust and noise have been constant sources of guest frustration that we’ve been attempting to address for a long time. We’re thrilled to be deploying this technology to improve the experience at our events and help us meet our sustainability goals, all while ensuring our commitment to food safety isn’t compromised.”

Jack Broadbent, executive officer of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District said:

“Replacing even small polluting equipment with clean alternatives protects the health of visitors at Off the Grid events and surrounding neighborhoods. Every simple change made to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gases is a necessary step in our effort toward healthy air and a healthier planet.”

FreeWire Mobi Gen

Categories: Charging


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