Work more to earn not much more, the CGT is against!

The CGT denounced Tuesday a project of “local agreement” PSA Group in Vesoul, aiming for a reduction in staff in parallel with an increase in working time and, to a lesser extent, wages.

“The management has just proposed to the trade unions, through a local agreement, to call into question the 35 hours by increasing the actual working time by 7.8%, from 7 hours to 7 hours 33 per day, or from 35 hours to 37 hours 45 a week “with” a 2.8% increase in wages, “says the union in a statement. The group announced” at the same time an automatic workforce reduction with a goal of 150 jobs in CDI to be removed per year until 2020, “adds the CGT in its statement.

PSA’s objective is to “secure the future of Vesoul’s spare parts manufacturing and storage site, which” must continue to transform itself in order to continue the development of its business “in a” particularly competitive environment “, indicated A spokesperson for the group.This project was presented Monday to the social and economic committee (CSE, established by the orders work to succeed the works council) of this site “strategic for the logistics of spare parts of PSA”, said the spokesman. “Negotiations will begin, we hope to conclude an agreement in the coming weeks,” he added, stating that “a total of 3,000 people” work on this site as “permanent, fixed-term, temporary, including outsourcing”.

The CGT noted that “true to its policy, PSA does not waste time to implement recent new laws that challenge the collective rights of employees as the labor law (Macron law)”, which “allows through a local agreement establishment of questioning the working time. “The union believes that” this first attack on the Vesoul site announces a series of attacks on all factories of the group. ” And “this questioning of 35 hours by one of the largest industrial groups is a message given to all employees of all companies in the country,” he said.

Solicited, the management did not wish to answer our questions.


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