BMW should also have manipulated exhaust gas cleaning

The exhaust gas scandal has finally reached BMW: New measurements of the German environmental aid suggest that in the engine control of BMW vehicles an inadmissible defeat device works.

BMW-Chef Harald Krüger

BMW boss Harald Krüger

Tuesday, 05.12.2017
11:17 clock

Still at the IAA Motor Show in autumn 2017 had BMWChief Harald Krüger clearly knows: “There are no defeat devices at BMW”. New measurements German environmental aid (DUH), however, suggest the opposite. Should the suspicion harden, the exhaust scandal well now finally captured BMW.

Again Berlin “Tagesspiegel” from Tuesday and the ZDF magazine “Wiso” reported, throws the German environmental aid (DUH) now also BMW before, manipulated exhaust gas software and have installed illegal defeat devices in the emission control of its vehicles. Measurements by the DUH would have shown that the emissions of nitrogen oxides in a new BMW 320 Diesel were up to seven times higher in road tests than in the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) laboratory test.

According to the DUH findings, it has been reported that during engine control inspections, with the help of external experts, it appeared that the software had been programmed to reduce exhaust gas recirculation from as low as 2000 rpm and from 3500 rpm Turns off completely.

Shutdown device in the engine control

“The available measurement results are very clear indications that there are defeat devices in the engine control software,” said DUH CEO Jürgen Resch the “Tagesspiegel”. These would have to be completely removed. “In all normal operating situations, cars must have a fully functional exhaust gas purification system,” Resch said. On Tuesday morning, the DUH wants to present its results to the public.

BMW explained at the request of the ZDF in writing, “similar types of vehicles” would have achieved in a initiated by BMW investigation of TÜV Süd nitrogen oxide levels that “were within the technically explainable and expected tolerance”. BMW also stated “that driving conditions that deviate from the legally prescribed NEDC rolling procedure can and should also lead to higher emissions”. To a possible Abschalteinrichtung said BMW therefore nothing.

The process is particularly piquant, because so far had declared in the exhaust gas scandal of the cleanest of all German manufacturers. And indeed, the Bayern operated in the exhaust gas cleaning in many vehicles a higher cost and installed both an SCR system (Ad Blue) and a storage catalytic converter, where the competition built mostly only one of the two systems. But if these systems, as the test suggest, have been purposefully shut down, that would be doubly embarrassing for BMW.

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