Laird launches fully integrated connected car platform


Laird announced that it is launching a fully integrated and scalable module for secure mobile connectivity and automotive ethernet for reliable internet use inside and outside the vehicle.

Laird MAX (Modular Automotive Connectivity Solution), brings together communications technologies, characterized by flexibility, scalability, an open software concept, a Linux-based security module, and Laird’s integrated antenna system.

MAX will provide end-users requiring high volumes of data to have an optimal cost-per-feature solution, and that the platform’s flexibility makes it attractive to customers who only need networking for small batches.

Applications that can be implemented on MAX include, Internet gateway functionality, a remote diagnostic tool, a remote-control system, location functions, and driver statistics. The wealth of implementable applications makes it possible to set up a wide range of services for OEMs, fleet operators, insurance companies, and other industry-related entities.

MAX is environmentally friendly because the use of custom features limits the number of components and their weight. By optimizing the energy management, the power consumption is reduced, which is a differentiation advantage especially for electric vehicles.

Source: Laird

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