Vesoul: PSA employees demonstrate with the public service

Alongside officials, NFB agents, Peugeot Vesoul employees and some of their comrades from the Sochaux factory who came to support them.

“If the door is open in Vesoul, there may be fears elsewhere.There is nothing that justifies this increase in working time,” said a CGT elected Sochaux.

Last week, the CGT denounced a project of “local agreement” PSA group in Vesoul. This agreement aims to reduce the number of workers in parallel with an increase in working time and, to a lesser extent, wages.

From 35h to 37h45

Management has proposed to the union organizations to call into question the 35 hours by increasing the actual working time by 7.8%, from 7 hours to 7 hours 33 per day, or from 35 hours to 37 hours 45 per week. This increase in working time would be done with “a 2.8% increase in wages.

The group also announced an automatic workforce reduction with a target of 150 permanent jobs to be eliminated per year until 2020. For the CGT union, this is a first attack that concerns only the site of Vesoul but which could make task to other sites of the automobile group.

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